Conquer Club

Sammi, Capitino, MRniceGUY [cleared]

All previously decided cases. Please check here before opening a new case.

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Sammi, Capitino, MRniceGUY [cleared]

Postby Sir Galahad on Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:36 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


Beyond my attacks, the other three have barely attacked each other, even when attacking someone would be strategically correct. The three have been turtling and waiting to attack me until this very turn. It's round 15 and I count only 7 player turns (11 overall attacks) that the three have hit each other. Otherwise, every single attack has been upon me.

Game logs -

2008-10-12 08:20:44 - Game has been initialized
2008-10-12 08:20:56 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 10 regions
2008-10-12 08:22:26 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 10 regions
2008-10-12 08:22:33 - Sir Galahad deployed 3 troops on O4
2008-10-12 08:23:01 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on S2
2008-10-12 08:23:05 - Sir Galahad reinforced A6 with 2 troops from A7
2008-10-12 08:23:11 - Sir Galahad reinforced A1 with 4 troops from A6
2008-10-12 08:23:15 - MRniceGUY assaulted S4 from S2 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-12 08:29:19 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 10 regions
2008-10-12 08:29:24 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on S3
2008-10-12 18:18:22 - Sammi receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-12 18:18:26 - Sammi deployed 3 troops on O3
2008-10-12 18:18:37 - Sammi assaulted O4 from O3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-12 18:19:02 - Sammi reinforced A5 with 2 troops from A8
2008-10-12 18:19:13 - Sammi reinforced A5 with 2 troops from A2
2008-10-12 18:19:27 - Sammi reinforced F3 with 1 troops from E7
2008-10-12 18:19:35 - Sammi reinforced F2 with 1 troops from E7
2008-10-12 18:19:49 - Incrementing game to round 2
2008-10-12 20:32:33 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-12 20:32:40 - Sir Galahad deployed 3 troops on A1
2008-10-12 20:32:43 - Sir Galahad assaulted E7 from A1 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-12 20:32:48 - Sir Galahad assaulted E3 from E7 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-12 20:33:02 - Sir Galahad reinforced E3 with 2 troops from F1
2008-10-12 20:33:14 - Sir Galahad reinforced E4 with 4 troops from E7
2008-10-12 20:33:22 - Sir Galahad reinforced E4 with 2 troops from E2
2008-10-12 20:38:18 - Sammi receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-12 20:38:25 - Sammi deployed 3 troops on O3
2008-10-12 20:38:46 - Sammi assaulted A7 from A5 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-12 21:06:07 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 11 regions
2008-10-12 21:06:12 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on S1
2008-10-12 21:06:47 - MRniceGUY assaulted A2 from A3 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-13 00:50:44 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-13 00:50:51 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on S3
2008-10-13 00:51:12 - Capitino reinforced N8 with 2 troops from N7
2008-10-13 00:51:19 - Incrementing game to round 3
2008-10-13 01:30:24 - Sammi receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-13 01:30:34 - Sammi deployed 3 troops on O4
2008-10-13 01:30:54 - Sammi assaulted A1 from F3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-13 01:31:19 - Sammi reinforced A1 with 3 troops from F2
2008-10-13 04:00:10 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-13 04:00:14 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on N8
2008-10-13 04:00:19 - Capitino assaulted S1 from N8 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 06:17:37 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 11 regions
2008-10-13 06:17:45 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on S2
2008-10-13 16:35:26 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-13 16:35:32 - Sir Galahad deployed 3 troops on E4
2008-10-13 16:35:34 - Sir Galahad assaulted E5 from E4 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 16:35:37 - Sir Galahad assaulted E6 from E5 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-13 16:35:49 - Sir Galahad reinforced E7 with 2 troops from E6
2008-10-13 16:35:59 - Sir Galahad reinforced E7 with 1 troops from E6
2008-10-13 16:36:00 - Incrementing game to round 4
2008-10-13 20:35:47 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 10 regions
2008-10-13 20:35:58 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on S2
2008-10-13 20:36:03 - MRniceGUY assaulted S3 from S2 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-13 20:36:10 - MRniceGUY assaulted S1 from S3 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-13 20:36:21 - MRniceGUY assaulted N8 from N9 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-13 21:01:27 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for holding Blue Squares
2008-10-13 21:01:27 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 11 regions
2008-10-13 21:01:38 - Sir Galahad deployed 8 troops on F1
2008-10-13 21:01:39 - Sir Galahad assaulted S3 from F1 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 21:01:42 - Sir Galahad assaulted S4 from S3 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 21:01:45 - Sir Galahad assaulted S2 from S4 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 21:01:47 - Sir Galahad assaulted S1 from S2 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 21:02:00 - Sir Galahad assaulted A3 from E6 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-13 21:02:38 - Sir Galahad reinforced E6 with 2 troops from A4
2008-10-13 21:02:49 - Sir Galahad reinforced F1 with 2 troops from E3
2008-10-13 22:31:40 - Sammi receives 3 troops for 10 regions
2008-10-13 22:31:49 - Sammi deployed 3 troops on A7
2008-10-13 22:31:54 - Sammi assaulted O1 from A7 and conquered it from neutral player
2008-10-13 22:31:59 - Sammi assaulted O2 from O1 and conquered it from neutral player
2008-10-13 22:32:10 - Sammi assaulted A6 from A1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-13 22:32:23 - Sammi assaulted A4 from A10 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-13 22:32:38 - Sammi reinforced A7 with 1 troops from A4
2008-10-13 22:32:53 - Sammi reinforced A7 with 2 troops from O1
2008-10-13 22:33:04 - Sammi reinforced A7 with 2 troops from A6
2008-10-14 02:42:06 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 6 regions
2008-10-14 02:42:27 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-14 02:42:30 - Incrementing game to round 5
2008-10-14 03:37:48 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 8 regions
2008-10-14 03:38:03 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-14 04:49:48 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 6 regions
2008-10-14 04:50:06 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on N3
2008-10-14 04:50:13 - Capitino reinforced N3 with 1 troops from N5
2008-10-14 04:50:14 - Capitino reinforced N3 with 1 troops from N5
2008-10-14 04:50:19 - Capitino reinforced N3 with 1 troops from N2
2008-10-14 04:50:23 - Capitino reinforced N3 with 1 troops from N2
2008-10-14 06:19:58 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-14 06:19:58 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for holding Blue Squares
2008-10-14 06:19:58 - Sir Galahad receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2008-10-14 06:20:07 - Sir Galahad deployed 11 troops on E1
2008-10-14 06:20:09 - Sir Galahad assaulted N3 from E1 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-14 07:53:04 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-14 07:53:04 - Sammi receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2008-10-14 07:53:36 - Sammi deployed 6 troops on F2
2008-10-14 07:53:42 - Sammi assaulted F1 from F2 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-14 07:53:50 - Sammi assaulted E3 from F1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-14 07:54:01 - Sammi assaulted S3 from F1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-14 07:54:11 - Incrementing game to round 6
2008-10-14 08:48:50 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 5 regions
2008-10-14 08:48:53 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-14 08:49:04 - Capitino reinforced F5 with 1 troops from F6
2008-10-14 08:49:04 - Capitino reinforced F5 with 1 troops from F6
2008-10-14 14:56:28 - Sir Galahad receives 4 troops for 12 regions
2008-10-14 14:56:32 - Sir Galahad deployed 4 troops on S4
2008-10-14 14:56:47 - Sir Galahad assaulted E3 from E7 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-14 14:56:56 - Sir Galahad reinforced E7 with 1 troops from E6
2008-10-14 17:42:41 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-14 17:42:41 - Sammi receives 5 troops for 16 regions
2008-10-14 17:43:04 - Sammi deployed 2 troops on A7
2008-10-14 17:43:25 - Sammi deployed 5 troops on A8
2008-10-14 17:43:37 - Sammi assaulted A11 from A8 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-14 17:44:04 - Sammi reinforced A7 with 1 troops from A8
2008-10-14 20:33:24 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 8 regions
2008-10-14 20:33:39 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on A12
2008-10-14 20:33:45 - Incrementing game to round 7
2008-10-14 22:22:38 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-14 22:22:38 - Sammi receives 5 troops for 17 regions
2008-10-14 22:23:18 - Sammi deployed 7 troops on A7
2008-10-15 00:24:12 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 8 regions
2008-10-15 00:24:30 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-15 00:24:44 - MRniceGUY assaulted N2 from N1 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-15 00:24:53 - MRniceGUY assaulted N5 from N1 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-15 00:25:06 - MRniceGUY assaulted N7 from N8 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-15 01:26:27 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-15 01:26:41 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-15 06:55:47 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for holding Blue Squares
2008-10-15 06:55:47 - Sir Galahad receives 4 troops for 12 regions
2008-10-15 06:56:00 - Sir Galahad deployed 9 troops on S1
2008-10-15 06:56:03 - Sir Galahad assaulted S3 from S1 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 06:56:10 - Sir Galahad assaulted N8 from S1 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 06:56:22 - Sir Galahad reinforced S3 with 6 troops from N8
2008-10-15 06:56:23 - Incrementing game to round 8
2008-10-15 07:01:27 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-15 07:01:29 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-15 07:06:29 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-15 07:06:29 - Sammi receives 5 troops for 16 regions
2008-10-15 07:06:36 - Sammi deployed 7 troops on N4
2008-10-15 07:06:47 - Sammi assaulted N3 from N4 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-15 07:07:00 - Sammi assaulted E1 from N3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-15 07:07:17 - Sammi assaulted N9 from N4 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 07:07:29 - Sammi assaulted N8 from N9 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-15 07:26:02 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-15 07:26:21 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N5
2008-10-15 07:26:38 - MRniceGUY assaulted N4 from N5 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 08:21:29 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-15 08:21:29 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 11 regions
2008-10-15 08:21:39 - Sir Galahad deployed 5 troops on E2
2008-10-15 08:21:41 - Sir Galahad assaulted E1 from E2 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 08:21:57 - Sir Galahad assaulted F1 from S3 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 08:22:09 - Sir Galahad reinforced S1 with 2 troops from S3
2008-10-15 08:22:17 - Sir Galahad reinforced F1 with 1 troops from S3
2008-10-15 08:22:27 - Sir Galahad reinforced S1 with 2 troops from S3
2008-10-15 08:22:35 - Sir Galahad reinforced F1 with 1 troops from E3
2008-10-15 08:22:41 - Sir Galahad reinforced E7 with 1 troops from E1
2008-10-15 08:22:53 - Incrementing game to round 9
2008-10-15 08:37:49 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-15 08:37:50 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-15 10:34:31 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-15 10:34:31 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for holding Blue Squares
2008-10-15 10:34:31 - Sir Galahad receives 4 troops for 13 regions
2008-10-15 10:34:43 - Sir Galahad deployed 11 troops on S1
2008-10-15 10:34:44 - Sir Galahad assaulted N8 from S1 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 10:34:47 - Sir Galahad assaulted N7 from N8 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 10:34:50 - Sir Galahad assaulted N4 from N7 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 10:34:55 - Sir Galahad assaulted N9 from N4 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 10:35:00 - Sir Galahad assaulted N5 from N9 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 10:35:15 - Sir Galahad reinforced N8 with 4 troops from N9
2008-10-15 10:35:24 - Sir Galahad reinforced F1 with 2 troops from N9
2008-10-15 10:35:33 - Sir Galahad reinforced E7 with 1 troops from F1
2008-10-15 10:35:40 - Sir Galahad reinforced E6 with 1 troops from N8
2008-10-15 19:53:27 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-15 19:53:27 - Sammi receives 5 troops for 15 regions
2008-10-15 19:53:37 - Sammi deployed 7 troops on A7
2008-10-15 21:05:41 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 7 regions
2008-10-15 21:05:45 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-15 21:05:49 - MRniceGUY assaulted N5 from N1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-15 21:05:58 - Incrementing game to round 10
2008-10-15 21:08:04 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-15 21:08:04 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for holding Blue Squares
2008-10-15 21:08:04 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for 17 regions
2008-10-15 21:08:09 - Sir Galahad deployed 12 troops on E1
2008-10-15 21:08:10 - Sir Galahad assaulted N3 from E1 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-15 21:08:14 - Sir Galahad assaulted N6 from N3 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 21:08:19 - Sir Galahad assaulted N2 from N3 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 21:08:23 - Sir Galahad assaulted N5 from N2 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-15 21:08:44 - Sir Galahad reinforced E1 with 5 troops from N2
2008-10-15 21:08:49 - Sir Galahad reinforced N8 with 1 troops from E1
2008-10-15 21:53:10 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-15 21:53:10 - Sammi receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2008-10-15 21:53:15 - Sammi deployed 6 troops on A1
2008-10-15 21:53:23 - Sammi assaulted E7 from A1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-15 21:53:50 - Sammi reinforced A7 with 3 troops from E7
2008-10-15 22:15:52 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 5 regions
2008-10-15 22:15:58 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on A12
2008-10-16 02:12:24 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-16 02:12:26 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-16 02:12:29 - Incrementing game to round 11
2008-10-16 02:41:40 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-16 02:41:40 - Sammi receives 5 troops for 15 regions
2008-10-16 02:41:49 - Sammi deployed 7 troops on F2
2008-10-16 03:01:45 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-16 03:01:46 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-16 03:20:45 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 5 regions
2008-10-16 03:20:54 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-17 02:12:29 - Sir Galahad missed a turn
2008-10-17 02:12:29 - Incrementing game to round 12
2008-10-17 02:48:15 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 5 regions
2008-10-17 02:48:20 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-17 02:57:03 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-17 02:57:05 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-17 21:55:38 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-17 21:55:38 - Sir Galahad receives 6 troops for 20 regions
2008-10-17 21:55:38 - Sir Galahad receives 8 deferred troops for missing 1 rounds
2008-10-17 21:55:43 - Sir Galahad deployed 8 troops on E4
2008-10-17 21:55:45 - Sir Galahad assaulted E7 from E4 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-17 21:55:50 - Sir Galahad assaulted A1 from E7 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-17 21:56:03 - Sir Galahad deployed 8 troops on E7
2008-10-17 21:56:15 - Sir Galahad reinforced E1 with 4 troops from E7
2008-10-17 21:56:30 - Sir Galahad reinforced F1 with 3 troops from E7
2008-10-17 21:56:40 - Sir Galahad reinforced E6 with 1 troops from E7
2008-10-17 21:56:47 - Sir Galahad reinforced A1 with 2 troops from E1
2008-10-18 02:09:59 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-18 02:09:59 - Sammi receives 4 troops for 13 regions
2008-10-18 02:10:15 - Sammi deployed 6 troops on A4
2008-10-18 02:10:20 - Sammi assaulted A3 from A4 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-18 02:10:28 - Sammi assaulted E6 from A3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-18 02:10:40 - Sammi assaulted E5 from E6 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-18 02:10:50 - Sammi assaulted E4 from E5 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-18 02:10:57 - Incrementing game to round 13
2008-10-18 03:48:09 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 5 regions
2008-10-18 03:48:13 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-18 03:48:20 - MRniceGUY assaulted N5 from N1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-18 07:54:30 - Sir Galahad receives 2 troops for holding Purple Diamonds
2008-10-18 07:54:30 - Sir Galahad receives 5 troops for 17 regions
2008-10-18 07:54:34 - Sir Galahad deployed 7 troops on E1
2008-10-18 07:54:35 - Sir Galahad assaulted E5 from E1 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-18 07:54:37 - Sir Galahad assaulted E4 from E5 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-18 07:54:40 - Sir Galahad assaulted E6 from E4 and conquered it from Sammi
2008-10-18 07:54:53 - Sir Galahad reinforced E1 with 3 troops from E4
2008-10-18 07:54:59 - Sir Galahad reinforced E6 with 1 troops from E4
2008-10-18 08:13:14 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-18 08:13:15 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-18 19:56:15 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-18 19:56:15 - Sammi receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2008-10-18 19:56:39 - Sammi deployed 6 troops on F2
2008-10-18 19:57:18 - Sammi reinforced A3 with 8 troops from A7
2008-10-18 19:57:24 - Incrementing game to round 14
2008-10-19 03:24:02 - MRniceGUY receives 3 troops for 6 regions
2008-10-19 03:24:10 - MRniceGUY deployed 3 troops on N1
2008-10-19 03:24:14 - MRniceGUY assaulted N2 from N1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:25:02 - Capitino receives 3 troops for 2 regions
2008-10-19 06:25:04 - Capitino deployed 3 troops on F5
2008-10-19 06:25:17 - Capitino assaulted F4 from F5 and conquered it from MRniceGUY
2008-10-19 06:25:21 - Capitino assaulted F1 from F4 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:25:29 - Capitino assaulted E3 from F1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:25:44 - Capitino assaulted S3 from F1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:25:57 - Capitino assaulted S4 from S3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:26:00 - Capitino assaulted S2 from S4 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:26:06 - Capitino assaulted S1 from S2 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:26:12 - Capitino assaulted N8 from S1 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 06:26:39 - Capitino reinforced S3 with 6 troops from S1
2008-10-19 07:46:17 - Sammi receives 2 troops for holding Orange Octagons
2008-10-19 07:46:17 - Sammi receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2008-10-19 07:46:36 - Sammi deployed 6 troops on A3
2008-10-19 07:46:42 - Sammi assaulted E6 from A3 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 07:47:01 - Sammi assaulted E4 from E6 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 07:47:05 - Sammi assaulted E2 from E4 and conquered it from Sir Galahad
2008-10-19 08:28:26 - Sir Galahad receives 3 troops for 9 regions
2008-10-19 08:28:37 - Sir Galahad deployed 3 troops on E7
2008-10-19 08:28:39 - Sir Galahad assaulted E3 from E7 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-19 08:28:44 - Sir Galahad assaulted F1 from E3 and conquered it from Capitino
2008-10-19 08:29:34 - Incrementing game to round 15

Thank you for your time,

Cook Sir Galahad
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:04 pm

Re: Sammi, Capitino, MRniceGUY

Postby king achilles on Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:52 am

You could also happen to be in the wrong places at the wrong time? Anyway, this is also their first game together and everyone appears to be playing their own strategy. The game is still pretty much not decided yet. We would need more suspicious plays than what we see in the game right now.
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