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Scott-land [Cleared]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:21 pm
by KingOfGods

Bruceswar and Scott-Land

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game Numbers:

Game 3207261- Scott conveniently joined the sequential game right after bruce, allowing bruce to weaken himself enough, gifting his kill to scott and making the win a lot easier for him. Furthermore, scott announces in game chat the he would foe someone if they didnt block him from being killed; henceforth giving scott the game

Game 3168614- someone blocks bruce from a kill, instead of stoping, bruce wasted his men in that area trying to make the kill leaving just enough so that scott could take the persons cards

Game 3141905- Bruce gives scott his kill

Game 3141817- Bruce doesnt make an easy block to prevent scott from sweeping

Game 3119463- Bruce weakens himself allowing scott to make the kill

Game 3108238- Bruce weakens ecko giving scott the kill; doesnt try to go after phlaim for the win

Game 3168614- Bruce owned Irkutsk and didnt steal a kill when all he needed to do was attack yakutsk; instead, scott made the kill, took the cards, and swept the board

Game 3168475- Bruce sat watching as scott swept the board not even trying to block

Game 3141905- Bruce goes after someone who already cashed, weakening himself and gifting the kill to scott

Game 3141817- Bruce cashes a set worth 40 and waits from scott to make a kill, instead of trying to steal or at least trying to block, before deploying

Game 3119463- Bruce starts to make a kill allowing scott to make a simple steal and winning scott the game

Game 3108238- Bruce begins to attack ecko when he didnt have enough men, gifting the kill and the game to scott

Game 3100999- Bruce doesnt use his holdings in North America to steal a kill and instead, scott took the cards, double cashed and swept

Game 3100188- Bruce doesnt use his holdings in Europe to go into Africa and steal a kill from scott; instead scott took the cards and swept the board

Game 3086558- Bruce ends his turn early intentionally allowing for scott to make a kill and sweep the board the next turn

Game 3033030- Bruce makes the first kill but instead of trying to spread out, he stays in one little area and allows scott to take him out

Game 3019348- Bruce sits watching scott as he sweeps the board and doesnt once try to block or steal a kill, even though scott had to go right past bruce to make some of the kills

Game 3013744- Bruce leaves one territory of another player in autralia which scott took, depite having to cash before he could take the territory, leaving bruce with 5 seconds to have made the kill

Game 3013018- Bruce killed another player excpet for 1 territory and then allowed scott to kill the last territory and sweep

Game 3001357- Bruce ended his turn early after cashing his set, and didnt start even start his next turn when he was being eliminated

Game 3000270- Bruce owned South America and cashed his set worth 45 men, yet he didnt deploy and try to steal a kill from scott when all of the territories scott needed were in Africa

Game 2991815- Bruce cashed his set and hit another player, connecting almost all of territories together and making it easy for scott to kill him

Game 2990755- Bruce didnt end his turn or try to win, he intentionally weakened himself so that scott could kill him and win the game

Game 2989637- Bruce moved to Middle East and then didnt take southern europe to steal a kill from scott; instead leaving himself weak and ready to be killed while scott was able to sweep

Game 2972021- Despite bruces large holding in Afghanistan, he didnt move and attempt to steal a kill from scott as ccott was sweeping the board thought taking properties in Africa

Game 2966877- Bruce helped scott make a kill and then allowed scott to kill bruce himself

Game 2965771- Bruce didnt try to steal an easy kill from scott and only attempted to seconds after scott had already killed the other player

Game 2954768- Bruce weakened another player and gifted the kill to scott who was then able to sweep the board

Game 2954129- Bruce watched as scott made several kills without deploying his men and trying to steal; finally when he was about to be killed, he didnt even deploy

Game 2954028- Bruce commits suicide to kill another player when he couldnt midcash and instead, gave Scott the game

Game 2946534- Bruce eliminated the only other person who could have prevented scott from winning, weakening himself and gifting the game to scott

Game 2946483- Bruce didnt block or attempt to prevent Scott from making a kill and winning the game

Game 2945442- Bruce started a kill and then sat waiting for 5 seconds as scott finished it off

Game 2916372- Bruce didnt steal a kill in north africa even though scott had to go through one of bruces territories to make the kill

Game 2915694- Bruce misses several kills, allowing scott to steal them, take their cards, and win the game

Game 2915253- Bruce didnt try to block or steal teals kill when scott was in the process of sweeping

Game 2915102- Bruce waited 3 minutes to deploy instead of trying to steal a kill from scott, allowing scott to kill bruce, and sweep

Game 2908098- Scott makes a kill which could have been stolen by bruce, and although scott became the strongest, he attacks someone who he couldnt kill. Then, after missing that kill, he ends his turn allowing scott to finish him, and another player, off.

Game 2885192- While scott is clearly trying to kill either slate of bruce, bruce sits still and doesnt even deploy, giving scott an easy win

Game 2879135- Bruce gave the game to scott by weakening slate and giving scott and easy steal for the sweep

Game 2846660- Even when it is clear scott has enough to win, bruce attacks and kills other game members despite not being able to midcash, allowing scott to finish him off for the game

Game 2839241- Instead of starting his turn and cashing, bruce allows scott to take him out and win the game

Game 2832706- Bruce cashes and deploys on North africa and then waits for scott to finish on another kill in Africa while he doesnt move

Game 2826022- Bruce doesnt even start his turn and waits as scott makes a kill and sweeps

Game 2769050- Bruce deploys on Greenland and then sits as scott takes ontario and northwest for the kill and for the sweep

Game 2767553- Bruce kills one of the two remaining properties of slate giving the kill and the game to scott

Game 2763139- Bruce starts his turn conveniently late giving scott the kill and another win

Game 2690829- Bruce ends his turn early allowing scott to make an easy kill which bruce could have stolen

Game 2690499- Bruce doenst even try to make an easy kill giving scott the game

Game 2670976- Bruce doenst try to block scott from a kill allowing him to sweep

Game 2670770- Bruce allows scott to kill him, doesnt try to steal any kills, just sits still

Game 2642056- Bruce doesnt even try to steal scotts kill handing him the game


Bruceswar is 23 out of 258 in 8 player standard freestyle escalating unlimited speed games against scott-land with +1 point. Scott-land is 118 out of 258 in 8 player standard freestyle escalating unlimited speed games against bruceswar with +3720. The links above were only taken from the last 100 games bruceswar and scott-land have played together. In them, Scott-land almost always kills bruceswar allowing him to sweep the board, and as a result, scott-land has won more than 50 8-players in the last 100 games they have played together. What they are doing is wrong and is a violation of the rules as they are clearly conducing secret diplomacy.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:28 pm
by maxatstuy
Wow-- nice research King.

It is clear that Scott and bruce are cheating, but I am glad someone is finally speaking up about it. In every game they play together, bruce changes his strategy and allows for scott to win. I am surprised scott hasnt been busted a long time ago

Great Job

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:40 pm
by hatta76
finally someone is willing to speak out about scott...

he is a bully and foes anyone that dares to attack or kill him...he also threatens to foe people for blocking him from a potential kill...

good job...its no wonder he got such a high rank...cheating...

thought you were better than that scott...obviously not...

good job, i hope you get a points strip.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:55 pm
by FabledIntegral
Personally - I don't find much validity in this thread. Btw where have you been KG, I'm surprised as this seems to have come out of nowhere simply because I haven't seen you in any games lately.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:21 pm
by Prankcall
Really.When can you recall Scott being killed by Bruce (I will add Insomnia since her name wasn't in there also).They never attack to kill Scott always block for him,yet miss blocks to prevent him from winning.They never oppose him in games.To me they are in the game because they are good friends with Scott.Obviously they aren't in the game to win as they never do and Scott however jumps from a 33% to a high 40's with Bruce in the game and the low 40's with Red.While this may not seem a huge jump to some people he is jumping atleast 10% when just one of those players are playing I was un-able to do a map rank with all 3 in the game at once due to the fact it only let's you search 2 players at once.I'd only imagine the numbers that come back with all 3 of them in at once.I'd never call Scott a cheater(as he does not need to)I'd have to call it more like puppy dog love or idol worship that these 2 players have for Scott .Secret Alliance by Bruce&Red however because in my book Bruce or Red does not play to win the game.Ive played numerous games with these players they simply do not kill Scott. GO review his last 50 games I guarantee you not once was Scott killed by either Bruce or Insomnia Red and if they did kill him I'm almost positive the log will either show some1 tried killing Scott and they stole it or that person came up short or Scott himself tried killing some1 and missed thus leaving himself to weak not to kill.*Note* 4 the record the only time I ever see their play improve is when Scott is in danger of being killed and they can block,yet whenever Scott is on a rampage they sit there with their thumbs up their ass's and just can never seem to make the block to stop him from sweeping the board.Just my opinion though and it comes from playing countless games with them,btw congrats on Conqueror

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:46 pm
by wrestler1ump
Excellent research Kingofgods. Very thourough and undeniable that scott has been cheating. Hopefully they at least bring scott back to 1000 points. Hatta is right, scott does add anybody to his foe list that doesn't kiss up to him in games.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:55 pm
by FabledIntegral
I don't believe that I kiss up to Scott nor do I hesitate to kill him. Personally - Bruce is just slower to react than a lot of players - you know that KG. As Prank said, I don't believe he was cheating at all. He also just recently got CM.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:08 pm
by Georgerx7di
Funny, max is always railing scotts games. I guess since he can't have scott's love then max decided to turn against him. I've been playing scott since we were sergeants. We have played almost 200 games together and he has never suggested in anyway that he wanted to cheat or for anyone to help him. Since I play him so much I am slightly more agressive against him, and I think he against me too. I don't believe this. Scott wins freestyle games with or without bruce. It's just a combination of him being faster and smarter than most players. This is just a case, I think of someone mistakenly accusing him because he and bruce are in so many games together. At worst its someone jealous of his rank, but I will assume the former for now.


Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:11 pm
by maxatstuy
In the recent games bruce has played, he is one of the fastest players in the game. He is usually the first to start and can deploy and attack in one second. He is in no way too slow to react, and if that were the case, then he shouldnt be able to win so many more games when scott is not there. If you took time to look at the games, you would notice that scott kills bruce in almost every game they are in together, and whether or not bruce has a "slow reaction time," that in no way justifies how scott is able to kill bruce as frequently as he does. What has been occurring is no different from what Krusher was attempting to do when he was busted except that scott has won more points doing it. I have witnessed scott on multiple occasions drop 8-players when giga and buizerd had already joined, to play in the 8-player bruce started up. I could understand if bruce occasionally missed a block, but after 50 games, proposing the idea that everything is just a coincidence, is ridiculous and absurd.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:17 pm
by Risky_Stud
i have to admit max after looking at your games you don't have room to talk.
you are a sad sad little man playing all those blue question marks

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:36 pm
by FabledIntegral
maxatstuy wrote:In the recent games bruce has played, he is one of the fastest players in the game. He is usually the first to start and can deploy and attack in one second. He is in no way too slow to react, and if that were the case, then he shouldnt be able to win so many more games when scott is not there. If you took time to look at the games, you would notice that scott kills bruce in almost every game they are in together, and whether or not bruce has a "slow reaction time," that in no way justifies how scott is able to kill bruce as frequently as he does. What has been occurring is no different from what Krusher was attempting to do when he was busted except that scott has won more points doing it. I have witnessed scott on multiple occasions drop 8-players when giga and buizerd had already joined, to play in the 8-player bruce started up. I could understand if bruce occasionally missed a block, but after 50 games, proposing the idea that everything is just a coincidence, is ridiculous and absurd.

Bruce just recently got fast with CM + getting rid of playing with BOB and whatnotelse.

I don't think Scott would be afraid of Giga. I'm not saying Giga is a bad player, but he rarely goes and tries a move. He is more of the player to sit back and steal someone else's kill and such then plan out a play himself. Merely a different strategy, but it's not something to fear...

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:58 am
by Scott-Land
Prankcall wrote:Really.When can you recall Scott being killed by Bruce (I will add Insomnia since her name wasn't in there also).They never attack to kill Scott always block for him,yet miss blocks to prevent him from winning.They never oppose him in games.To me they are in the game because they are good friends with Scott.Obviously they aren't in the game to win as they never do and Scott however jumps from a 33% to a high 40's with Bruce in the game and the low 40's with Red.While this may not seem a huge jump to some people he is jumping atleast 10% when just one of those players are playing I was un-able to do a map rank with all 3 in the game at once due to the fact it only let's you search 2 players at once.I'd only imagine the numbers that come back with all 3 of them in at once.I'd never call Scott a cheater(as he does not need to)I'd have to call it more like puppy dog love or idol worship that these 2 players have for Scott .Secret Alliance by Bruce&Red however because in my book Bruce or Red does not play to win the game.Ive played numerous games with these players they simply do not kill Scott. GO review his last 50 games I guarantee you not once was Scott killed by either Bruce or Insomnia Red and if they did kill him I'm almost positive the log will either show some1 tried killing Scott and they stole it or that person came up short or Scott himself tried killing some1 and missed thus leaving himself to weak not to kill.*Note* 4 the record the only time I ever see their play improve is when Scott is in danger of being killed and they can block,yet whenever Scott is on a rampage they sit there with their thumbs up their ass's and just can never seem to make the block to stop him from sweeping the board.Just my opinion though and it comes from playing countless games with them,btw congrats on Conqueror


Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:59 am
by Scott-Land
KingOfGods wrote:

Bruceswar is 23 out of 258 in 8 player standard freestyle escalating unlimited speed games against scott-land with +1 point. Scott-land is 118 out of 258 in 8 player standard freestyle escalating unlimited speed games against bruceswar with +3720. The links above were only taken from the last 100 games bruceswar and scott-land have played together. In them, Scott-land almost always kills bruceswar allowing him to sweep the board, and as a result, scott-land has won more than 50 8-players in the last 100 games they have played together. What they are doing is wrong and is a violation of the rules as they are clearly conducing secret diplomacy.


Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:03 am
by Incandenza
Here's a thought: maybe scott is better than bruce, and that's why he kills bruce so often.

Jesus, don't you people have games to play? Or do you enjoy posting all butt-hurt and complaining in threads like this?

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:41 am
by joecoolfrog
Poison and bile from proven cheats and those who are eaten up with envy, same old story :(

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:01 am
by dandrobie
Mmmm... so what happens now?? Looks like Kog spent quite some time to go thru all the games.

I'm quite interested to know the out come.. Although since it is a very long time i played with scott, i do seem to be aware that games usually go to the higher ranking player so that everyone do not lose too many points. However to have it happen so frequently it does look a bit wierd as they are all excellent players :roll:

:lol: that is also one reason why i have not joined in those games for months :lol:

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:06 am
by FabledIntegral
dandrobie wrote:Mmmm... so what happens now?? Looks like Kog spent quite some time to go thru all the games.

I'm quite interested to know the out come.. Although since it is a very long time i played with scott, i do seem to be aware that games usually go to the higher ranking player so that everyone do not lose too many points. However to have it happen so frequently it does look a bit wierd as they are all excellent players :roll:

:lol: that is also one reason why i have not joined in those games for months :lol:

As if - low ranks will win whenever they have played well enough to do so. It just so happens they don't. Find a single game, a SINGLE game, where you can see me throwing the game so that a lower rank won't win. In fact, you CAN find more than enough of my games where I've even suicided a major or so so that a COOK could win simply because the major was retarded and the cook was semi-decent. 100 points can easily be made up.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:11 am
by kletka
I am not sure about secret diplomacy, i.e., discussing games elsewhere but there is definitely some sort of collusion going on. It is at least a free choice on the part of some players to lose to a higher ranked player. I am not sure whether it goes beyond this.

As far as facts are concerned, I can testify that every time I displeasure Scott I end up on his foe list and taken out only after promise not to attack him early in the game :roll: It happened 5 times already. :D

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:14 am
by dandrobie
FabledIntegral wrote:
dandrobie wrote:Mmmm... so what happens now?? Looks like Kog spent quite some time to go thru all the games.

I'm quite interested to know the out come.. Although since it is a very long time i played with scott, i do seem to be aware that games usually go to the higher ranking player so that everyone do not lose too many points. However to have it happen so frequently it does look a bit wierd as they are all excellent players :roll:

:lol: that is also one reason why i have not joined in those games for months :lol:

As if - low ranks will win whenever they have played well enough to do so. It just so happens they don't. Find a single game, a SINGLE game, where you can see me throwing the game so that a lower rank won't win. In fact, you CAN find more than enough of my games where I've even suicided a major or so so that a COOK could win simply because the major was retarded and the cook was semi-decent. 100 points can easily be made up.

Well, what i said was usually... So perhaps u make up the minority.. :lol: . I also do agree that some majors can be quite retard at times, but i guess that is the way with esc speed games.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 am
by Scott-Land
If you guys would please stay on topic, I'd appreciate it. This thread is not about high ranks giving games away so they lose less points to lower ranks. Topic at hand is a Secret Alliance between Bruce and me- or lack of.

Prankcall wrote:I'd never call Scott a cheater(as he does not need to)I'd have to call it more like puppy dog love or idol worship that these 2 players have for Scott .

I have several questions for you Prank. Do you think you're better or more skilled than Bruce in 8 man speed freestyle ? I had read somewhere that you won like 17 of the last 21 games.... something sick. You've jumped in rank from being a major to a general in a matter of a few weeks. Do you contribute your recent success to finally learning how to use CM? Or something else.... like you've adapted the ultimate flawless strategy?

I've been in games where you've said that Bruce was absolutely horrific, dumbasses, retarded, ignorant or so god damn stupid. 'How can you play so many god damn games and still suck'..... etc. I don't have the exact quotes but I'm sure I can find them. He could just be bad combined without using CM would force him to miss or not see the correct plays? Lag issues..... You've played months and couldn't win a game- CM runs circles around people not to mention one the best features is the 'refresh' hot key. it allows you to see what's going on. Without it, you're in the dark.

I ran circles around KG when I first started using CM. I blew by him where the steals were adjacent to him and hell he was one of the very first players to use it and used it effectively. Was that poor play or did he purposely give me the game? I ran circles around him.... Now if I can do that to a veteran how hard would it be for me to do that to Bruce that was on a shit connection without CM?

You can't say that someone is a bad player- then condemn them for not playing well i.e. blocks, steals, or keeping up..... I rarely see players direct more traffic in chat than me. Could that be a reason why I appear to have more blocks ? Perhaps there's an intimidation factor ?

What have I done wrong Prank? I'm a recipient of a [gift] kill during a game- that's the nature of speed freestyle. Steals and more steals. Surely there's a gift or something's missed in every single game. Or perhaps like you; once I began playing with CM, I was pretty damn hard to beat. Let's run the numbers on everyone I played- especially before and after CM. The same exact reason for your recent success.

This is nothing but a vendetta for the blocks that were placed when Max got busted and combined with your dislike for Bruce. The same reason why you don't have him on ignore yourself- for the points I'm sure.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:54 am
by erazor
I have played a few games with Scott in the past and the last one was yesterday, being invited to an Rt game.
Scott played very well and i think he his a very skilled player, but having said that, it was a sequential game.
So my point is that maybe since he has CM and he can read a map better than others, maybe he his better, and some sharks are after his star because he his the top guy.
So what is it, Jealousy ? Or maybe he his cheating? or he his a better player than anyone else? Who knows.
I just think that if he was cheating, he would have been busted way before reaching the top rank???

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:26 am
by deliaselene
maxatstuy wrote:Wow-- nice research King.

It is clear that Scott and bruce are cheating, but I am glad someone is finally speaking up about it. In every game they play together, bruce changes his strategy and allows for scott to win. I am surprised scott hasnt been busted a long time ago

Great Job

Max we both know this is pay back for the thread Bruce put up about you :roll:

and actually Bruce has been having lag issues with his computer which will explain some of the cited issues

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:55 am
by Bruceswar
Good morning Folks.
I see we have sour grapes! I will not go into this long spill about what has not happened. I will keep it short and sweet. Few quick points.

8 man speed freestyle man games Pre CM - totally different than today. You would use drop down menus, and be lucky to get 3 spots in 10 secs, assuming they were not the easy attack sequences.

8 man speed Post CM - People can now take up to 2 spots a second and cash, drop and get a card in 3 secs. If you run CM with BOB on as well, the best you can do is about a 10 sec cash, and 3 secs for every territory. - Which is what I was until recently I tried totally disabling bob, and presto new found speed.

Any of the regular 8 man speed players will tell you without CM you cannot compete on a regular basis. With that being said, even if you are using CM and bob taking 1 spot every 3 seconds still makes you slow in that realm. If I took 2 spots, which would have been 6 secs, that is 10 spots for others. Meaning I just got blown away. A fault by me? Perhaps... or a fault of CM? Perhaps. I never claimed to be good at 8 man speed games, but I still enjoy them as the board it changing within the second and anything can and does happen.

To anybody who looks at Map rank stats, win percentages, or whatever. Try your luck and step into an 8 man speed freestyle game. Report back to me how well you did, or did not do. Even some of the best SEQ players like Georgerx7di will say it is very tough. I quote him "It feels like I have just been hit by a mac truck" This was right after scott killed him in a matter of seconds.

The "R" key which is refresh on CM makes all the world of difference. If you play using BOB, it still helps, but is much much slower than without BOB. Disabling BOB makes you 100% faster, which in those games can make or break you. Anybody will tell you that Scott-land does not need to cheat to win games. He is just a better player than me, hands down. I am not even going to say I can keep up with scott, rashid, poo, and others. I cannot. Even with my new found speed (disabling BOB) I cannot do it.

For those who do not know me, I was only a corporal when I started playing 8 man freestyle games. At that point I did not understand how they worked, and how escalating worked with mid cashes etc. I was downright terrible. Now that I know a bit more I am able to win a game here or there. Still until very recent the speed was a bit quick for me as I was using BOB. Now without it everything looks like it is going in slow motion with it turned off.

I will close this out with this is nothing more than ridiculous that anybody could think a game style in which seconds can make or break you, would have time for people to talk outside the game. Sure you can call me a shit player at this style, or whatever you want to say, but to say cheating has taken place is downright nothing more than envy of Scott. Yes Maxatstuy, who wrote all this up that means you.

P.S. Nice of you to include a RT game in which george missed on dice and left me hung. :)

One quick edit.. CM = Clickable Maps This is for those who do not know.

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:34 am
by apey
I don't think bruce would cheat it isn't his character

Re: Scott-land

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:35 am
by Prankcall
I never called you a cheater Scott or being guilty of Secret Alliances.I don't believe you would do something like to win.You don't need to,however I do believe that Bruce or Red will never make a move on you to eliminate you is what I said.They do not play to win the game when you are in it.I do not believe their intentions are to let you.Like I said it's puppy dog devotion to you that makes them not attack you or try eliminating you when you have 3 cards they have 5 and the math says they should make a play on you yet they never seem to.I'm sure it's because your idolized by them.If they are not playing to win it's un-fair for them to be in the game because it gives you added advantage against people.You can go into the game knowing you dont have to worry about being killed by Bruce or Red.Im saying this because I'm sure you have to realize they never try eliminating you.Secondly I've jumped from 2200 to 3500 in 5 days.Lets see who i play in my most recent 8 man speed games.Their is no competition against me now since I've been blocked from playing alotta people.The only people that beats me is Fable and Gig.Ive also played over 15 man 3 player games and have won them all,granted that's not 1300 points but its a nice amount maybe 175.The most different thing however is I have quit using BoB which makes all the difference in lag.Just review my games you will see where my points come from.I have no personal dislike for anyone on this site.I don't get jealous over an online game,I may be guilty of sometimes taking it to serious but that is it.4 the record my win rate actually improves when Bruce is not in the game which is odd if you ask me,becuz when Bruce is in I drop from a 31% to a 23% almost 10%.Im not in here to argue Im just stating what I think,which is Bruce or Red don't ever make a move on you to eliminate you when they should.Why wouldn't they kill the best player when the math says they should, they have the men to do it and they get a mid-cash?BTW congrats on 5500 Keep on Trucking.