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...and more multis [busted]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:27 pm

The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Other: <Member Harassment, Stalking>

Game number(s):

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:30 pm
by The Fuzzy Pengui
It is weird that two new recruits would join two games with eachother (one right after the other). That is unless they are friends in real life and want to play against eachother.

The game number you referenced hasn't even started yet, and what would make you say they are stalking or harassing a member? Of course I'm not a hunter, but I would say it's too soon to tell whether they are multi's or not.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:51 pm
Who are you asking, Sir?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:52 pm
by cena-rules
KLOBBER wrote:Who are you asking, Sir?

ummmmmm you?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:11 pm
by The Fuzzy Pengui
KLOBBER wrote:Who are you asking, Sir?

I am asking you KLOBBER.

I'm sorry if I confused you without stating your name as well, but I assumed you would realize I was asking you since you were the only person to post in the thread before I.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:24 pm
by Fruitcake
Be patient Pengui, Klobby was not aware whether you were asking him or one of his multis.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:45 pm
Fruitcake wrote:Be patient Pengui, Klobby was not aware whether you were asking him or one of his multis.

I see dead people

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:21 pm
Are you under the impression, Sir, that I am a multi-hunter?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:38 pm
by The Fuzzy Pengui
KLOBBER wrote:Are you under the impression, Sir, that I am a multi-hunter?

As I mentioned in your other thread, I am definitely NOT under that impression.

I'm just curious as to why you think they are multi's. You accuse them of multi's, but they are simply new recruits. Just because they joined a couple games together doesn't mean they are multi's.

You also accused them of member harassment and stalking, but I don't see how you could say that. Was there an exchange of PMs between you, have they been continually trolling or spamming your wall?

I'm just not sure why you would accuse to me, it just seems to me like you are randomly choosing new recruits and accusing them of multiple accounts.

I'm just asking you for some clarification because I wouldn't want the multi hunter's time wasted on what appears to be frivolous accusations.

Thank you for your time sir, I hope to receive an actual respose to my question this time :)

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:45 pm
Who wants to know?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:14 pm
by The Fuzzy Pengui
Let's not try to derail the topic ;)

If you are bound in trying to get me to play into an endless circle of 20 questions, better luck next time.

If you are unable to answer my questions, then we will just let the multi hunters handle it :)

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:30 am
by king achilles
The accused are suspected of:

* Being Multis
* Other: <Member Harassment, Stalking>

I am also curious on how KLOBBER came about the harrasment/stalking part?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:59 am
by Fruitcake
king achilles wrote:
The accused are suspected of:

* Being Multis
* Other: <Member Harassment, Stalking>

I am also curious on how KLOBBER came about the harrasment/stalking part?

Simple really. poor old klobby's multiple personalities are invading what little concious brain he has left. I did warn the cc powers that be that something like this could happen back in Feb of this year:

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:12 am
by cisco2001
I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:19 am
by Joodoo
cisco2001 wrote:I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

funny thing is that now even KLOBBER is avoiding new recruits...

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:27 am
by jiminski
Joodoo wrote:
cisco2001 wrote:I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

funny thing is that now even KLOBBER is avoiding new recruits...

yeas, somehow there appears to be some justice emanating from these acts of criminality...

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:52 pm
by cisco2001
As I mentioned in my previous post, this is a very subtle problem. Just by virtue of them joining this game, you can see that their is a show of aggression. I can see why Klobber would be worried. That being said, I think that we need to be grateful to him for his vigilance in this matter. Furthermore, I suggest that nothing be done about the accused as they could be small fish in the overall scheme.

There may be a huge plot to overthrow Klobber and this may be an opportunity to nab the party or parties responsible. I suggest that we keep an eye on the accused and see where they lead us. Furthermore, we will need a volunteer to engage them and help uncover their plan. Not just any volunteer, but an individual that is charming, cultured and very skilled in the art of war.

This is a critical time in the history of CC as there may be a mastermind of evil trying to take down our most famous warrior; Klobber.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:35 pm
by joecoolfrog
Joodoo wrote:
cisco2001 wrote:I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

funny thing is that now even KLOBBER is avoiding new recruits...

Then the end has justified the means, If I were Lack I would have created an army of multis long ago to derail Klobber.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:16 pm
joecoolfrog wrote:
Joodoo wrote:
cisco2001 wrote:I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

funny thing is that now even KLOBBER is avoiding new recruits...

Then the end has justified the means, If I were Lack I would have created an army of multis long ago to derail Klobber.

It's unfortunate, friend, that your mind primarily gravitates towards arrangements for cheating, rather than using skill or intelligence, to defeat opponents, such as myself, on this site.

In my opinion, and please, don't take offense, dear chum, but you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Follow my example from now on, dear heart, and earn your points honestly, by using superior skill and intelligence, and don't allow your embarrassing cheating propensities to get any further than the fledgling stage.

I hope you have a glorious day, friend!

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:31 pm
by pancakemix
You scare me.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:15 am
by Frop
KLOBBER wrote:It's unfortunate, friend, that your mind primarily gravitates towards arrangements for cheating, rather than using skill or intelligence, to defeat opponents, such as myself, on this site.

C'mon Klobz, be honest - you've prolly put him on your foe list some time ago. :D

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:18 am
by Joodoo
pancakemix wrote:You scare me.


Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:18 am
by joecoolfrog
KLOBBER wrote:
joecoolfrog wrote:
Joodoo wrote:
cisco2001 wrote:I think that Klobber has a valid point here. There is definitely a suggestion of malice from both of them. I if you look at the game that Klobber has referenced, you notice that the accused want to remain anonymous. After all, they have joined all of these games in disguise. Why would somebody disguise themselves; unless it was to do something sneaky!?

It takes a high level of sensitivity to understand what is going on here. This is a very subtle matter that can't be dealt with like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. I think that Kloober has a very refined sense of self preservation that allows him to continue to thrive in his special environment.

The accused need to be questioned. Who are they? What do they want? What do they look like and what do they want with Kloober?

funny thing is that now even KLOBBER is avoiding new recruits...

Then the end has justified the means, If I were Lack I would have created an army of multis long ago to derail Klobber.

It's unfortunate, friend, that your mind primarily gravitates towards arrangements for cheating, rather than using skill or intelligence, to defeat opponents, such as myself, on this site.

In my opinion, and please, don't take offense, dear chum, but you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Follow my example from now on, dear heart, and earn your points honestly, by using superior skill and intelligence, and don't allow your embarrassing cheating propensities to get any further than the fledgling stage.

I hope you have a glorious day, friend!

Ah yes but the glorious hole in your logic is the fact that you put on ignore anybody who you think might whip your sensitive little arse, I have never even played circus but am on your foe list :lol: The other fairly obvious flaw in your silly post is that I quite clearly stated what I might do only if I were Lack - given that it is his site and his rules than squashing an irritating little runt would not be cheating but simply him amusing himself. Actually I think that I shall immediately suggest this course of action to him as I can think of nothing that would further enhance his standing within the CC community, the extra bonus being that he will no doubt greatly enjoy doing it. Have a good day Klobber and do enjoy it as it may well be your last and do beware a giant turtle boot hovering menacingly above your head :lol:

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:30 pm
by Simon Viavant
Yes, cisco is definetly on to something. Those two are up to something very suspicious. It has to be a plot to bring down the most skilled player on CC. We should all congragulate and support Klobber for bravely standing up for his rights and bringing about justice. But I think Klobber is just the starting point. Next it will be Twill, and then lack himself. This is a plot to destroy CC. There can only be one person behind this... WICKED!!! (Play sinister music). But it goes even deeper than that. Wicked has been working towards this ever since CC was created. Twill is actually her multi. She fired herself. Her revolution failed intentionally, but her supporters are still secretly with her. It's a conspiracy to take over CC. It goes even deeper than that. Wicked is actually... OSAMA BIN LADEN!!! After this, advertising will increase and many prominent people will join CC, including Barak Obama, John McCain, and Bill Gates. They will be brainwashed. Wicked (aka Osama bin Laden) will take over the world. But there is even more behind this. Osama bin Laden is actually... SATAN!!! It was written in the Book of Revelation, and now the day of Judgment has come. It was said that Jesus would return to Earth. Jesus can only be KLOBBER. Repent and worship Klobber, or else join Wicked (aka Satan) and be doomed to hell for all eternity.

Re: ...and more multis

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm
Simon Viavant wrote:Yes, cisco is definetly on to something. Those two are up to something very suspicious. It has to be a plot to bring down the most skilled player on CC. We should all congragulate and support Klobber for bravely standing up for his rights and bringing about justice. But I think Klobber is just the starting point. Next it will be Twill, and then lack himself. This is a plot to destroy CC. There can only be one person behind this... WICKED!!! (Play sinister music). But it goes even deeper than that. Wicked has been working towards this ever since CC was created. Twill is actually her multi. She fired herself. Her revolution failed intentionally, but her supporters are still secretly with her. It's a conspiracy to take over CC. It goes even deeper than that. Wicked is actually... OSAMA BIN LADEN!!! After this, advertising will increase and many prominent people will join CC, including Barak Obama, John McCain, and Bill Gates. They will be brainwashed. Wicked (aka Osama bin Laden) will take over the world. But there is even more behind this. Osama bin Laden is actually... SATAN!!! It was written in the Book of Revelation, and now the day of Judgment has come. It was said that Jesus would return to Earth. Jesus can only be KLOBBER. Repent and worship Klobber, or else join Wicked (aka Satan) and be doomed to hell for all eternity.

That was actually kinda funny near the beginning, but you pretty much lost it at the end with that Biblical stuff.