Conquer Club

BTHOB [noted]

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BTHOB [noted]

Postby TheSupremeCourt on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:26 am

Accused: BTHOB

The accused are suspected of:

BTHOB attacked me the entire game.

I was initially the strongest player, grabbing both Australia and South America by turn 2. By this time, the 3rd player (lacomadre) had Africa. Nothing wrong with both players attacking me.
A few turns later after fighting both, BTHOB had Australia. Lacomadre had South America and Africa. BTHOB had armies active right in Central America that could have broken Lacomadre's SA bonus, but he chose not to. BTHOB continued to attack me, though I had no bonus whatsoever and 3 armies a turn.

Even though I'd lost my bonuses and territories due to fighting them both, BTHOB continued to attack me and not break red's bonuses. BTHOB with NA and Australia vs. Lacomadre with Africa + SA. I cashed my cards and attacked Australia. BTHOB then, instead of breaking Africa/ SA, attacked me in Australia. There was no chance of taking my cards.

The game log shows BTHOB deploying his armies against me every single turn. The turns he did not conquer one of my territories are the turns where his dice went bad and he was forced to attack elsewhere for a card.
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Postby king achilles on Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:14 am

BTHOB and lacomadre have played two games so far. Each both won from the other. Leave the appropriate ratings if you feel they had a secret diplomacy with each other. This is noted.
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