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The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:57 pm
by zdrakias

The accused are suspected of:
  • forbidden Username

I dont think, someone should call himself Nazi.
This should be forbidden, because people only do it to provoce others.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:37 pm
by alster
zdrakias wrote:I dont think, someone should call himself Nazi.
This should be forbidden, because people only do it to provoce others.

Yes. God forbid that anyone, anywhere may feel offended or be provoked.

You sir though provoke me with your blatantly useless and bullshit post.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:37 pm
by jbrettlip
If it SHOULD be forbidden, it SHOULD go into suggs and bugs. If it IS forbidden, it would go here. But it isn't forbidden or against any of the current rules.

I agree with you, but you would need a rule change. And I doubt you would get one. There is too much "judgement" needed to police the usernames. Add Nazi to your ignore, and be done with that player. There are quite a few offensive names on the site. This isn't the only one.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:40 pm
by trapyoung
you missed a whole fun thread on bad usernames, one person even declared my username, trapyoung, to be their favorite inappropriate name on the site. to bad nobody goes the distance to see where the name came from...

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:55 pm
by l3eater
though i agree with you that the name should be changed, there is already alot of offensive usernames out there

you missed a whole fun thread on bad usernames, one person even declared my username, trapyoung, to be their favorite inappropriate name on the site. to bad nobody goes the distance to see where the name came from...

Is it the thing with the Goa Drug lords?

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:23 pm
by gdeangel
trapyoung wrote:you missed a whole fun thread on bad usernames, one person even declared my username, trapyoung, to be their favorite inappropriate name on the site. to bad nobody goes the distance to see where the name came from...

That was me. I was being sarcastic. Don't get your girlfriend's panties in a ruffle, we've already got a little too much excitement from the current view!

Back on topic, while I find this name highly offensive - just as I did "white pride" - the rules don't indicate there should be a ban.

However, in cases of extreme obscenity or extreme harassment (in our judgement) we may take disciplinary action against the offending member.

If you find yourself in a game with someone who offends you, simply add the member in question to your foes list and his/her comments will disappear.

On the other hand, if you were getting harassed by this player in ways that are over the top, then you probably have grounds to appeal to the site for sanctions... but the name alone is probably not enough. Go with the foe's list. (FYI - trapyoung, if you keep that sig, you are going to be the first person on my friends list :lol: )

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:24 am
by pimpdave
trapyoung wrote:you missed a whole fun thread on bad usernames, one person even declared my username, trapyoung, to be their favorite inappropriate name on the site. to bad nobody goes the distance to see where the name came from...

Okay, I'll take the bait. Where does the name trapyoung come from?

I tried searching the name on google, but I don't want to go into what I found that way.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:07 pm
by trapyoung
last name is young and trap was an acronym for my brothers' and my name we came up with when we were little b/c we needed a name we could agree on for playing rogue spear online. fascinating huh? but most people on cc assume i'm a pedophile because of the name.

gdeangel, i was just mentioning the post, i know you were quitting but on that thread people agreed with you (not knowing you were kidding) and don't even get me started about the doctorate candidates in flame wars.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:09 pm
by HapSmo19
zdrakias wrote:I dont think, someone should call himself Nazi.
This should be forbidden, because people only do it to provoce others.

Really? What kind of weenie are you?
And besides, the name is "The New Nazi". Maybe he's a kinder, gentler nazi. :lol:

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:11 am
by lofty
The new nazi... what offensive about that?? at least he's not an old nazi! :D

If we start banning people on the grounds that you don't like their name, then we might aswell start to ban people for the wrong skincolour etc etc.

here are other names you might find offensive, feel free to use them, but don't try to ban them:

Toby Taleban
Bobby Binladen
Mohammed muslim
glorious gaylord
Ivan Ilikechildren

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:52 pm
by Maremmano
u talk about other's offensive names, but take a look on what them mean:

Toby Taleban

TALEBANImage Image Image

Bobby Binladen


Mohammed muslim

MUSLIMImage Image

glorious gaylord


or GAYImage


Ivan Ilikechildren

or ...well, something bad surely...that u could have a reason to suspect, and it orrible... :x


now look at what this name means:


Image Image Image
Image Image ...and more...!

so let me tell u, that sure, there are more offensive names on the world. "nazi" is just a silly name. ...sure. and it let people think that just an idiot can use that word as a nik.
cause just an idiot could still belive in the supremacy of someone on someonelse, in his superiority, in his fate to dominate everyone. ...and kill all the others!
but should we have to put a limit at ourself while accept idiot - silly - paranoic - racists - nazists names, or should we think that everything is the same???
no folks: it is not the same!
this guy could be just an idiot, but he can't make me think that his arrogance, his ignorance, his cruelty, his violence, his history and all it means, can be accepted. it is offensive for the human dignity! all of us have to be aware of it.
we can talk about all other names, but THIS one brings so much bad and negatives things that each one of us has to refuse it.

so i think it is to delete, as it would be to delete all that deat's idiology wich it refers to.

if it will be not delete...than i agree, 100%, with u lofty:

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:00 pm
by alster
Hmmm... alright people. :D

For future references though, I believe it is called national socialist. There is no such thing as a "nazi".

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:11 pm
by HapSmo19
Maremmano wrote:we can talk about all other names, but THIS one brings so much bad and negatives things that each one of us has to refuse it.
so i think it is to delete, as it would be to delete all that deat's idiology wich it refers to.

That reminds me of a Hitler speech. His delivery was better though.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:10 pm
by Maremmano
you should have to study history, instead of say "this reminds me a hitler speech".

you should have to know what kind of crimes that idiot idiology spread all over the world.
what i say is so simple: do u accept that crimes? do u accept that idiology?
well, i don't.
'cause my grandfather was a partigiano maybe. ...and u can't understand what this means, i'm afraid.
'cause someone told me what that idiology was, and i know what it is right now!
'cause i don't accept, and i'll never accept that "freedom-killer" idiology, and all the stupid men that belive in that propagandistic-populist-retoric-lies! ...may be u can accept those things, but U have the problem, not me. u should be like the ones that lived near auschwitz, looking the ash come down, people get in and never get out, and simply laugh, living his stupid useless calm everiday life, without caring about other's life and death...eaven if death is so near.

u, with your less of critical thought that let u say that everything is the same (someone that call himself NEW NAZI, and another that don't accept this insult to the human histoy), u are the kind of person that stay at the window, waithing for the changes to come, and if that changes are good for him, than ok. if are bad for someone else, than ok. if are bad for himself...than it's too late, moron!

i prefer use my brain, and i'm not afraid to say that there are not 100% good or bad things, but there is a way that the world already took: it was a disaster for human beings, so we don't need to repeat it. we have to avoid it. and when someone defend that way, and speak about it, proposing it another time (eaven as an idea), we should have to take a position.
u don't do so, and it means that your position is and will be 90°.
if u like it, i'm happy for u, but the problem, as i sayd, is yours.

and what i said is worth as well as for HapSmo19 how much for alstergren, that pretend to don't know what "nazi" means. =D> ...or u really don't know? than let me tell u that "na" stays for "national", and "zi" stays for "socialism".
you're so funny ...ah ...ah ....ah ... . :|

now dear HapSmo19, if u want, go back to ear hitler's deliveries...and prepare your 90° position, that someone will surely misuse you, soon or later, as u really can't understand the meaning of the things.

what your bastard hitler surely couldn't say, is what i wrote in my last post, and u seemed not to have read ( eh...u are so good with the rhetorical...u just quoted a part fo my tought...without the end... [-X :^o ):

so i think it is to delete, as it would be to delete all that deat's idiology wich it refers to.

if it will be not delete...than i agree, 100%, with u lofty:

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.


Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:15 pm
by HapSmo19
Maremmano wrote:you should have to study history, instead of say "this reminds me a hitler speech"

Sorry jagov, history is a love of mine and it reminds me of a Hitler speech.

Maremmano wrote:you should have to know what kind of crimes that idiot idiology spread all over the world. what i say is so simple: do u accept that crimes? do u accept that idiology?

Nope. Not in any form.

Maremmano wrote:'cause i don't accept, and i'll never accept that "freedom-killer" idiology

Ironic. It's called "fascism" and it comes in all shapes and sizes.

Maremmano wrote:but U have the problem, not me


Maremmano wrote:u are the kind of person that stay at the window, waithing for the changes to come

Now you've just offended all democrats and republicans. Take it back..... :roll:

Maremmano wrote:i prefer use my brain

When? I'd like to be there.

Maremmano wrote:u don't do so, and it means that your position is and will be 90°

Thats a right-angle. I think you meant 180 deg.

Maremmano wrote:and what i said is worth as well as for HapSmo19 how much for alstergren, that pretend to don't know what "nazi" means. =D> ...or u really don't know? than let me tell u that "na" stays for "national", and "zi" stays for "socialism"

No way! I thought it was the "north atlantic zagnut institute".
Hey! you got your national in my socialism! No!, you got your socialism in my national!
Maybe I'm confusing that with something else...
You can either be a nationalist or a socialist but put the two together and WATCH OUT! Here comes a holocaust :roll:

[quote="Maremmano"]what your bastard hitler surely couldn't say,....[quote]

Are you calling me a nazi because I'm not a fascist? C'mon man,....thats not cool.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:09 pm
by Tk 421

The accused are suspected of:
  • Other: Posting the pointless thread over a simple name

This is thread is pointless.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:07 pm
by Maremmano
ok. now i understood you.
u are an history lover? and tell me, what kind of teach can u have form studing hostory? what has taught to you till now?
does it say that if a silly idiology, danger for the democracy and freedom, appears in front of u, in any form it appears, u have to look in another direction, or to defend it, or to allow it to expand, to be advertaised, to be put in existence?

the lesson that I from the history and the life have learned is the exact contrary. that's why i don't accept it that idiology! i'm sorry. and because of this i don't think, as just a little ignorant could say, that i'm a fascist.
- first of all i said "i", and it still means something in english. it means that i don't want to accept that idiology, and doesen't means that i want everibody to think like me (eaven if it could be natural to think that all reasonable people believing in democracy should do the same. so i aspect it, and if it is not, i try to make it real, just producing a reasoning. someone, evidently incapable to add something of its at the discussion, can just use the "quote", to loose the meaning of the other's discussion and talk just about some few phrase extrapolated from its context)
- second thing: fascism takes root where people can't, o don't, or won't recognize it. when they wait at the window changes to come. ...such people is not democrat nor republican, it's that kind of people that still don't know that freedom is not give once for the eternity.
tasks the contrary? well, the one that offended democrats and republicans it's u! #-o you had not noticed this, therefore there i have to expect that you are the type of person that I was describing...

there is no reason to still talk about your useless message.

so i ask u: which reason you have to accept someone that aware become a manifesto of a crime against the humanity?

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:13 pm
by Joodoo
Maremmano wrote::shock:
ok. now i understood you.
u are an history lover? and tell me, what kind of teach can u have form studing hostory? what has taught to you till now?
does it say that if a silly idiology, danger for the democracy and freedom, appears in front of u, in any form it appears, u have to look in another direction, or to defend it, or to allow it to expand, to be advertaised, to be put in existence?

the lesson that I from the history and the life have learned is the exact contrary. that's why i don't accept it that idiology! i'm sorry. and because of this i don't think, as just a little ignorant could say, that i'm a fascist.
- first of all i said "i", and it still means something in english. it means that i don't want to accept that idiology, and doesen't means that i want everibody to think like me (eaven if it could be natural to think that all reasonable people believing in democracy should do the same. so i aspect it, and if it is not, i try to make it real, just producing a reasoning. someone, evidently incapable to add something of its at the discussion, can just use the "quote", to loose the meaning of the other's discussion and talk just about some few phrase extrapolated from its context)
- second thing: fascism takes root where people can't, o don't, or won't recognize it. when they wait at the window changes to come. ...such people is not democrat nor republican, it's that kind of people that still don't know that freedom is not give once for the eternity.
tasks the contrary? well, the one that offended democrats and republicans it's u! #-o you had not noticed this, therefore there i have to expect that you are the type of person that I was describing...

there is no reason to still talk about your useless message.

so i ask u: which reason you have to accept someone that aware become a manifesto of a crime against the humanity?

The name is still alowed... since CC doesn't have strict rulings on what are acceptable and unacceptable usernames...

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:42 pm
by Maremmano
move your attention on the “why” I consider that an unacceptable name: it's the fact to constitute an offense to the memory of those who have lived 80-60 years before us.
it's so sad that you do not feel the responsibility of take cure of that freedom that those persons have donated us with the sacrifice of blood.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:21 pm
by HapSmo19
You should pm The New Nazi and scold him for his crimes against humanity.

Also, your english is coming along nicely and may have nothing to do with why my brain suddenly hurts.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:08 pm
by alster
Maremmano wrote:move your attention on the “why” I consider that an unacceptable name: it's the fact to constitute an offense to the memory of those who have lived 80-60 years before us.

Ok lad. Listen, the problem is that you're not thinking this through. Sure, you may have a point. Personally I've placed a guy called "Vinyl-Taliban" on my foe-list because I find his name being a heresy to the soldiers fighting for the Western world's freedom and security. Now, that doesn't mean I wish to ban that particular name. Because I know that if starting banning user names to the left and right just because someone finds them "offensive", well... at the end of the day there's no freedom or openness left after all the PC groups have gotten their say. I suggest that you keep your opinions but try to accept the fact that going through life, you will encounter things that may offend you.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:11 am
by HapSmo19
You made that look easy.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:36 am
by Maremmano
for me what u said is ok altergren...i new it!

i added that name in my foe list too tima ago.
now i was just talking about this thing, hoping to make consider nazi-fascism in a serious way, 'cause it is still a nowadays problem.

i wrote it in my first message in this discussion:
so i think it is to delete, as it would be to delete all that deat's idiology wich it refers to.

if it will be not delete...than i agree, 100%, with u lofty:

If this dumb arse person thinks he's a nazi and is proud of it, the best of luck to him, because he/she must be pretty unintelligent, but let Naziboy keep his silly name, if it's that offensive to you but him/her on your foes list.

some idiot told me that i'm fascist for this thing i wrote, and i tried just to tell him what fascism really is. and it is not at all "to express your opinions"!
i knew there were few probabilities to obtain the ban of the name we are talking about, so my foe list has it's first name since a couple of days.
i just wanted to talk about this problem, not to solve it...

now, as i'm here typing, i can tell u that the story of soliders fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan or Iraq seemed to me just propaganda. they are not there for me or u. thy are there just for someone's interests.
that's what i think about it. that's my simply opinion

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:00 pm
by jpliberty
zdrakias wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
  • forbidden Username

I dont think, someone should call himself Nazi.
This should be forbidden, because people only do it to provoce others.

What other names would you ban?
I think I have run into some variation of Hitler on this site. Would you ban that?
There is a Dirty Sanchez (good player and friendly in chat). Would you ban that player or force some name change?

Maybe you should be assigned the job of determining the merits of everyone's username, just so none of us get away with anything "offensive".

But first, to be accurate you should change your own username. I suggest BlueNose.

Re: The New Nazi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:51 pm
by SlayerQC
alstergren wrote:
zdrakias wrote:I dont think, someone should call himself Nazi.
This should be forbidden, because people only do it to provoce others.

Yes. God forbid that anyone, anywhere may feel offended or be provoked.

You sir though provoke me with your blatantly useless and bullshit post.

there's always a fucking moron to reply the same fucking thing when someone makes a legitimate post, so go f*ck yourself you stupid rude uneducated moron.

Is that better?