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Hate to say this.....BlouBaas and Cat0...multi or secret

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:15 am
by Voogan.
In two different games I battled hard against these two, but they both always seemed to fortify and attach mainly me. I accused them of being doubles. I hope that I am not wrong. And am truly sorry. There where multiple times where they built up very stong agains me and there borders would share only 1 guy. I dont like to play tattle tale but.....they did it. =(

The two games are:


You cant really see it but there borders have not protection, unless I share it.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:25 am
by Master Bush
That's too small to read.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:27 pm
by Voogan.
Ya I know, I cant seem to make it any bigger. I dont know much about this posting stuff.