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OneTimer [noted]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:11 pm
by Kaplowitz

The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis

he said this in live chat:
14:07:07 ‹OneTimer› thats how i got banned last year

14:07:43 ‹OneTimer› its cool I just deleted my computer profile and remade a new one
29/06/2008 14:07:52 ‹Kaplowitz› what?!
29/06/2008 14:07:55 ‹OneTimer› that changes your IP address

14:08:44 ‹OneTimer› ohhh my old account was good and it should have been unbanned
29/06/2008 14:08:52 ‹OneTimer› hell it probably was
29/06/2008 14:08:58 ‹OneTimer› I just dont remember the password or nickname

Re: OneTimer [pending]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:06 am
by king achilles
This case is noted. If we get more information and enough data, we may verify if what he says is true or not. Until then, we shall let this be.