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Norris08 [Busted, Reset]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:19 am
by Hoosiers21

The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis

Game number(s):

The first 14 games are singles games with Norris08 and CCGuy. In ALL 14 games, norris08 made them and CCGuy joined next. in ALL 14 games, norris won. In almost all the games, ccguy went first and attacked neutrals, then ccguy wiped him out within 2-3 rounds. The 15th game listed is the only game i found where they played in a 3 player game. ccguy attacked the other player from the beginning. all of these games are played the same way...both players never act at the same time. The last 5 games listed are between norris08 and doomsday192. these 5 games are the EXACT same as the other 14 with norris08. doomsday starts off by attacking neutrals and then norris comes in to kill him off in 2-3 rounds. i think this is a pretty obvious multi just trying to get extra points. He's 19-0 in singles on doodle against these 2 players, and they're all played the same way. EDIT - i just looked at more games, and doomsday192 has many more singles games with norris08, all played the same (i won't list them b/c there are at least 10 more). Also, patriotsfan17 (the guy who was in the 3 player game with ccguy) also has the same game types (singles on doodle, and again, i won't list them b/c there are so many) and norris08 won all of them. All 4 are suspected multis

Re: Norris08/CCGuy/+ 2 more Suspected Multis

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:39 am
by Frop
Great find, I'll do some statistics and such tonight (this sounds like a possible score reset).

Re: Norris08/CCGuy/+ 2 more Suspected Multis

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:49 am
by Hoosiers21
anyone look into this yet?

Re: Norris08/CCGuy/+ 2 more Suspected Multis

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:03 am
by lancehoch
The hunters are the ones that need to look into these reports and it takes time. Look at how many reports there are. You only have had this report open for 9 hours, there are some that are still open after 2 months. Please be patient.

Re: Norris08/CCGuy/+ 2 more Suspected Multis

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:43 am
by Hoosiers21
and another one to add to the's a few games i found
the end on this game gives it away....tennis918 cashes for 35 armies yet doesn't attack ccguy and they're the only 2 left
game with norris, patriots fan, and ccguy...norris wins again easily

all in all, all 5 of these names play with each other and against each other. norris seems to be the main account where he beats the other 4 to gain points. the other 4 will play with each other to get more points so when they play norris he can score more

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:24 pm
by Norris08
i am not a multi
the accounts that you named are on my friends list
they are my friends
and we play each other when we're all online at the same time
unlike you, they don't really care if they lose or not because they know that this is a game, not real life
get a life please (no offense meant)

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:29 pm
by Anarkistsdream
Norris08 wrote:i am not a multi
the accounts that you named are on my friends list
they are my friends
and we play each other when we're all online at the same time
unlike you, they don't really care if they lose or not because they know that this is a game, not real life
get a life please (no offense meant)

Wow, how very nonoffensive...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:38 pm
by Norris08
yea well
when you're being accused, you have a right to defend yourself
(no offense meant to anyone)

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:40 pm
by Anarkistsdream
Norris08 wrote:yea well
when you're being accused, you have a right to defend yourself
(no offense meant to anyone)

You must admit that it IS very suspicious... I have a hard time believing you, also.

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:43 pm
by Norris08
then i guess it's up to the moderators then

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:47 pm
by delboy01
Norris08 wrote:i am not a multi
the accounts that you named are on my friends list
they are my friends
and we play each other when we're all online at the same time
unlike you, they don't really care if they lose or not because they know that this is a game, not real life
get a life please (no offense meant)

Ha ha ha, that is absolutely priceless. :lol:

Singles games between the 3 and norris

Norris08 V CCGuy 14-0
Norris08 V Doomsday192 10-0
Norris08 V patriotsfan17 19-0

Either your 'friends' are crap or you are telling porkies. :^o

I think you can wave goodbye to your premium and your points my friend. [-X

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:08 pm
by Hoosiers21
Norris08 wrote:i am not a multi
the accounts that you named are on my friends list
they are my friends
and we play each other when we're all online at the same time
unlike you, they don't really care if they lose or not because they know that this is a game, not real life
get a life please (no offense meant)

you play games together against other people and never seriously attack each other...always helping norris08 win. oh, and when all of your turns are taken within a minute of each other, but never at the same time. you got busted. get a life instead of making 5 different accounts. :)

you say they're your "friends" and they dont care if they lose...well there's a difference between playing for fun, and attacking the neutrals every round so you can win EVERY time. i mean seriously, either you are cheating, or you're the GREATEST singles doodle player to ever live...over 50-0 is quite impressive

i'm sorry to keep making this post longer, but i just saw this..
a game with norris08 and patriotsfan..
wow, the mighty undefeated norris08 loses for the first time on doodle singles. oh wait, it was a freestyle game and they never took a turn at the same time. oh wait, they took their turns within a minute of each other (most less than 30 seconds apart). oh wait, you made this game AFTER you saw you were being accused. this is hilarious norris (no offense).

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:25 pm
by Norris08
omg ..
you know why?
because he can't play speed games
it was RT duh

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:58 pm
by Hoosiers21
lol it doesn't matter if it was speed or was FREESTYLE, yet you two NEVER took a turn at the same time, yet you somehow took turns sometimes 6-15 seconds after the how do you explain your +50-0 run?

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:20 am
by Anarkistsdream
Hoosiers21 wrote:lol it doesn't matter if it was speed or was FREESTYLE, yet you two NEVER took a turn at the same time, yet you somehow took turns sometimes 6-15 seconds after the how do you explain your +50-0 run?

And Norris gets busted.

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:57 am
by delboy01
Norris08 wrote:omg ..
you know why?
because he can't play speed games
it was RT duh

And how do you explain your win ratio in the singles games V your cohorts? superior ability no doubt!! :lol:

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:07 pm
Norris08 wrote:i am not a multi
the accounts that you named are on my friends list
they are my friends
and we play each other when we're all online at the same time
unlike you, they don't really care if they lose or not because they know that this is a [b]game, [/b]not real life
get a life please (no offense meant)

a game that happend to be played a shit load of times in a way that permitted you to win. :roll:

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:35 pm
by Norris08
look at game 2700300
how can i possibly be the same person
check the game log: norris08 misses a turn while patriotsfan17 takes a turn
how do YOU explain that?
and not to mention: i'm sure that if the moderator checks the ip: you'll get 2 different ip addresses
that's not possible with a multi

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:37 pm
by Frop
Norris08 wrote:*sigh
look at game 2700300
how can i possibly be the same person
check the game log: norris08 misses a turn while patriotsfan17 takes a turn
how do YOU explain that?
and not to mention: i'm sure that if the moderator checks the ip: you'll get 2 different ip addresses
that's not possible with a multi

Ever heard of proxies?

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:19 pm
by Norris08
What is a proxy?

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:54 pm
by TheScarecrow
Norris08 wrote:*sigh
look at game 2700300
how can i possibly be the same person
check the game log: norris08 misses a turn while patriotsfan17 takes a turn
how do YOU explain that?
and not to mention: i'm sure that if the moderator checks the ip: you'll get 2 different ip addresses
that's not possible with a multi

you missed a turn on the 28th June.... the same date as your post!!!!!

you were CLEARLY online at some point.

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:02 pm
Norris08 wrote:*sigh
look at game 2700300
how can i possibly be the same person
check the game log: norris08 misses a turn while patriotsfan17 takes a turn
how do YOU explain that?
and not to mention: i'm sure that if the moderator checks the ip: you'll get 2 different ip addresses
that's not possible with a multi

he filled the form out wrong. he should have used "secret alliances" since your "friends" were making very odds moves to allow you to obtain their points. In most cases like this, your score will be reset at 1,000 points.

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by Norris08
TheScarecrow, yes i was on AFTER patriotsfan17 took his turn
why did norris08 miss his turn? because they have different owners
so although you are partially correct, this post was made way after patriotsfan17 took his turn

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:09 pm
by TheScarecrow
the point i am making here is that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence here... ppl playing the same way to gift you a win etc

you missing a turn which just happens to be only a few hours before your post and also just happens to be after you were accused.

Re: Norris08 Suspected Multis (4) [pending]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:51 am
by delboy01
And still no defence for the 50+ to zero record in singles. [-X :^o

Still you can always re-buy premium.