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Raggiex - Unfair Play [sorted]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:20 pm
by Chrisman


The accused are suspected of:
  • Other: From round one, raggiex asked Green if they could stay off of eachother so that they could each hold a continent (On a frickin' doodle earth board!). When green didn't reply, in a 3 man game he posts: anyone want an allience?

    Chat Box:
    2008-06-05 11:24:40 - Chrisman: Gl boys
    2008-06-05 14:44:22 - raggiex: stonesour ill pull out of america if u pull out of germany
    2008-06-05 14:44:35 - raggiex: or do u want an allience
    2008-06-05 15:24:05 - Chrisman: Alliance in Round Two? How does that work?
    2008-06-05 15:51:02 - raggiex: i dunno
    2008-06-06 14:48:22 - raggiex: anyone want an allience?

    Considering his rank I would normally let someone just go for this, I've been quite a low rank myself for a while now (dice, of course :roll: )but I found this appauling. In a risk game, would you say: "Hey Bob, want to team up and kick the poop out of Joe so that we can slog it out later? I know I'll lose anyway, but atleast then I won't come in last!"

Game number(s):

Yeh so I would like a moderator or administrator of some sort to speak to raggiex, I find it unsportsmanship play and he will blatiently not win the game anyway, so why try and come in second when theres no extra points in it?

Re: Raggiex - Unfair Play

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:58 pm
by demon7896
alliances are perfectly legal, you know.... and he stated it too