Conquer Club

JoshNJoe [No Form]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

JoshNJoe [No Form]

Postby jakeo94 on Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:21 am

This player is a pore sport he uses foul language and is extremely homophobic i know that he will say i am a f** or a h*** but i think he is just insecure with his own sexuality I and i suggest nor anyone else should play him he shows what i believe is the worst part of this game inappropriate chat I hope use this peace of advise and heed my warning [-X
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Re: JoshNJoe

Postby lancehoch on Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:37 am

If you put him on your foe list, you will be unable to view his comments in the game chat and in the forum. There are (at least) two ways to put someone on your foe list. The first is on their profile and click "Add Foe". The second is to click Control Panel > Friends & Foes (at the top of the box) > Manage Foes (on the side of the box) > type his name into the large text box and click "Submit".
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Re: JoshNJoe [No Form]

Postby Woodruff on Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:10 pm

True, he can foe the guy, but THIS DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.

The problem is that these assholes continue to abuse people in
every game they play, and this site appears to be ok with it.

I know from my personal experience, I'm just about fed up with
it. I've been here at CC for a while, and LOVE the game...but
it's just not worth having to foe someone in a third of the games
I'm in because they're utter buttheads. I've stopped even
bothering to do it, because it doesn't cut down on the abuse
I'm seeing in any way.

CC needs to wake up and recognize that they are going to start
losing money (I'm a paying customer, and pretty sure I won't be
here much longer, and certainly won't be sending any more money
to support such a site). And just as certain that I'm not the only
one, based on conversations I've had here.

I'm a very big proponent of free speech. But the thing about free
speech is that it DOES include speech does
NOT mean you can just say whatever you want to with no consequences.
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Re: JoshNJoe [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:39 pm

This thread has not had the form filled out for over 1 month. Because of this, it was becoming clutter at the bottom of the C&A forum. It has been moved to the Closed Reports forum. If you would like to have this looked at, please fill out the form and it will be returned to the main C&A forum.
Sergeant lancehoch
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