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jan1976 and hatta76 [Blocked, See linked thread for more]

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:36 am
by Shino Tenshi
Linked Thread


The accused are suspected of:
  • Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):

It was a 3 player Arms Race game. Hatta76 worked on taking the USA over, and jan1976 worked on the USSR. Once hatta76 had taken both jan and I out of the USA, rather than try to take out hatta's bonuses jan keeps coming for me. Once it is evident hatta has the game, jan deadbeats for a couple of rounds. Meanwhile I try to weaken hatta. When jan came back, he started after ME again and left hatta alone. These 2 have played over 190 games together so I cannot believe this 'team play' was coincidental. Jan pretty much handed hatta the game.

I should also mention that in game #2367692 a fog feudal, a couple of rounds into the game jan sent me a pm out of the blue to let me know that he was in feudal. I have already forwarded this pm to the mods. I know jan is capable of secret alliance because he attempted to form one with me.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:57 am
by Frop
Perhaps it's a good idea to add this over here, to keep all accusations against jan in a single thread.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:59 am
by Torter_of_Worlds
Shino has the IQ of a PIG - it's best just to ignore him.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:07 am
by Frop
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Shino has the IQ of a PIG - it's best just to ignore him.

I don't know Shino, but that's hilarious coming from someone who clearly intended his username to be 'Torture(r) of Worlds'. :D

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:08 am
by Shino Tenshi
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Shino has the IQ of a PIG - it's best just to ignore him.

And Torter is still bitter since he was blocked from playing any more games with DomQuebec because I reported their alliance. :lol: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46629&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=domquebec

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:14 am
by Torter_of_Worlds
Frop wrote:
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Shino has the IQ of a PIG - it's best just to ignore him.

I don't know Shino, but that's hilarious coming from someone who clearly intended his username to be 'Torture(r) of Worlds'. :D

Do you know what a TORT is you idiot? Also look up the term lexicographer (There is an inference here - let's see if you spot it heh...judging form your last post, it will fly over your head by miles). IQ of PIG stamped on your forehead as well. Oh my gosh, look at this - because you didn't spell Frog I should I assume you tried to spell Frog instead of FROP! Your reasoning is elementary at best.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:16 am
by Torter_of_Worlds
Shino Tenshi wrote:
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Shino has the IQ of a PIG - it's best just to ignore him.

And Torter is still bitter since he was blocked from playing any more games with DomQuebec because I reported their alliance. :lol: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46629&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=domquebec

Bitter? I've moved on. Acknowledging you are stupid is no indication I am bitter. Your premise is shitty. Learn how to argue. Also, if I were come I've been able to play games with Dom since? Moderators say things to shut up the babies sometimes. Keep crying...waa waa.

For new viewers: I've played only one free-for-all game with Dom - check my game history. I inadvertently set the game up as free-for-all with Dom. I had bad dice and was unable to take a territory from Dom 4 turns in a row; though it is true I attacked him 14 v. 31 (or something like that)...I thought he was the strongest player at the time, I did not use auto-attack and brought him down to 11 leaving me with 5. Also, the moderator who "blocked" Dom and I from playing even admitted "I understand that this may not have been a secret alliance" I only had about 1500 points around this game...Shino continues to play many speed games where secret alliances are possible. Check my game you really think I need a secret alliance to win? My win percentage in 1v.1 says enough but Shino still hides in his secret alliance games. Also consider how many team games i've played to singles games...if anything he is the cheater.

EVERY PLAYER HAS EVERY RIGHT to decide they don't like you in a game and attack you more and refrain from attacking others without a secret alliance.

:D =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>


Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:22 am
hmm... i played doubles with Jan before and he seems like a soild player. but now all these threads are emerging with him and others throwing games. not sure what to make out of this. once, i would have never thought about again, but many examples are popping up everywhere.

Jan- you going to defend this ? The accusations in the other thread dont look good for you. im not sure why you would have gotten tangled up with warsteiner when he is prooven to be a cheat.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:02 pm
by Frop
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Do you know what a TORT is you idiot? Also look up the term lexicographer (There is an inference here - let's see if you spot it heh...judging form your last post, it will fly over your head by miles). IQ of PIG stamped on your forehead as well. Oh my gosh, look at this - because you didn't spell Frog I should I assume you tried to spell Frog instead of FROP! Your reasoning is elementary at best.

Unfortunately for you I refrain from arguing with inbred fascists, but please feel free to spray your pretentious gibberish all over the forum. I'm sorry I doubted your superior intelligence, maybe I'm a bit prejudiced about morons who only play freestyle speed on feudal.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:10 pm
by Torter_of_Worlds
Frop wrote:
Torter_of_Worlds wrote:Do you know what a TORT is you idiot? Also look up the term lexicographer (There is an inference here - let's see if you spot it heh...judging form your last post, it will fly over your head by miles). IQ of PIG stamped on your forehead as well. Oh my gosh, look at this - because you didn't spell Frog I should I assume you tried to spell Frog instead of FROP! Your reasoning is elementary at best.

Unfortunately for you I refrain from arguing with inbred fascists, but please feel free to spray your pretentious gibberish all over the forum. I'm sorry I doubted your superior intelligence, maybe I'm a bit prejudiced about morons who only play freestyle speed on feudal.

Inbred: unwarranted
Fascist: unwarranted

You and I have never met and I don't have anything against you. Yet you have this inclination to go on the attack.

Only freestyle on Feudal? Quite the absolute term you used: "only" 85% (guessing) of my games. yes. It is the map most forgiving to bad dice because of its conquest set up. I also play 1 v. 1 because of too many cheaters in team games. I believe you are the one spraying gibberish. If I was such a moron, would I have 73% win percentage? Clearly I've won against all types of players. I am not, should I say, a Klobbber type player hoping for deadbeats or unexperienced players.

Again - nothing against you but clearly I had to respond to your first comment.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:17 pm
by Frop
As I recall you started off with 'idiot', 'twas nothing else but a mere retort in style. Apart from that, unless you are referring to freestyle team games I doubt you'll find much (effective) cheating in sequential games. Klobber seems to me like a prime example of proxy activity, the amount of one-game-only deadbeats in his games defies all odds.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:38 pm
by Fruitcake
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:hmm... i played doubles with Jan before and he seems like a soild player. but now all these threads are emerging with him and others throwing games. not sure what to make out of this. once, i would have never thought about again, but many examples are popping up everywhere.

Jan- you going to defend this ? The accusations in the other thread dont look good for you. im not sure why you would have gotten tangled up with warsteiner when he is prooven to be a cheat.

You are in trouble now jan. A strong defence worthy of a senior Barrister is required methinks, anything less will not be good enough.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:59 pm
by Torter_of_Worlds
Frop wrote:As I recall you started off with 'idiot', 'twas nothing else but a mere retort in style. Apart from that, unless you are referring to freestyle team games I doubt you'll find much (effective) cheating in sequential games. Klobber seems to me like a prime example of proxy activity, the amount of one-game-only deadbeats in his games defies all odds.

You impliedly slapped me =p

I love you all and someone was kind enough to remind me of why such banter is fun: Its intellectually stimulating heh :D

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:09 am
by Bruceswar
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:hmm... i played doubles with Jan before and he seems like a soild player. but now all these threads are emerging with him and others throwing games. not sure what to make out of this. once, i would have never thought about again, but many examples are popping up everywhere.

Jan- you going to defend this ? The accusations in the other thread dont look good for you. im not sure why you would have gotten tangled up with warsteiner when he is prooven to be a cheat.

Here is something I dug up...

"Postby king achilles on Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:45 am
jan1976 is busted with pretender, payback, Paul1987 and Hans112."

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:25 am
by jan1976
"Postby king achilles on Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:45 am
jan1976 is busted with pretender, payback, Paul1987 and Hans112."

never been proofed because it is not a multi when you have a multi you play from the same ip address i think there are some real moron's here at cc they don't understand what the f*ck they are doing there is and will be never proof i did ask to check the ip address and they didn't they just put me back to no per member never did hear what they find to make this hard so how they are going to find this out i don't now if so let me see what the found otherwise go and find some one else to tell they are a cheater or what so ever bring me hard proof i am cheater otherwise shut the f*ck up

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:46 am
by hatta76
it has come to my attention that some useless captain called shinto...who btw got his ass handed 2 him in a game of arms by me ( A THEN 2 STRIPER) has gone around slandering my good name by infering tha i cheated with jan...WTF...

Response - Shinto go screw yaself ya useless up and face the fact that you got rogered by the dice and that i kicked your soon as you started to get beaten yo started bitching...

the fact that we both went for u at the same time is nothing more than coincedance...something your 14 year old pea brain cant comprehend obviously...


And if Jan is caught up in some cheating thing than leave it out...IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:13 am
by hatta76

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:02 am
by Bruceswar
Jan you should know by now I do think you have anything to hide. Switchfoot on the other hand does.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:54 am
by Morrigan
oops, logged on to my gf's account by mistake. Ignore this post

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:51 am
by Shino Tenshi
Hatta, as you can see by my win ratio, I am more used to losing than I am to winning. I lose often, sometimes as a result of a bad drop, bad dice, poor play on my part, and better play by others. Losing is not the issue for me, its just part of the game. When others team, or when someone clearly throws the game to another player, well that's another issue.

The fact that you both went after me, on its own, means nothing. It happens all the time in 3 player games. The fact that jan kept coming after me in USSR when you were getting many bonuses compared to my measly ones, rather than try to break any of yours doesn't make any sense. Jan is not a noob. He would clearly realize you were owning the game, but decided to come after me while ensuring you grew stronger. When he deadbeated for a couple of turns, I tried to weaken you through bombardment. When jan came back, he resumed his attacks on me.

That kind of behaviour goes far past 'bad play'. He clearly threw the game in your favour.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:00 am
Morrigan wrote:oops, logged on to my gf's account by mistake. Ignore this post
lol.... :roll: both of you just added to my ignore. another example of 2 players making moves for each other. how do you accidently log onto her account unless you do it all the time? if you only did it once in awhile you probably would have to look up her password since you rarely would access her account, but obviously your logging onto her account all the time. yet another example on why only 1 account from the same IP should be permitted.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:02 am
by White Moose
Morrigan wrote:oops, logged on to my gf's account by mistake. Ignore this post
lol.... :roll: both of you just added to my ignore. another example of 2 players making moves for each other. how do you accidently log onto her account unless you do it all the time? if you only did it once in awhile you probably would have to look up her password since you rarely would access her account, but obviously your logging onto her account all the time. yet another example on why only 1 account from the same IP should be permitted.

It is accually very easy to log on to someone elses account if you have their account saved as cookies. Happend to me quite a few times.

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:18 am
by Shino Tenshi
Morrigan wrote:oops, logged on to my gf's account by mistake. Ignore this post
lol.... :roll: both of you just added to my ignore. another example of 2 players making moves for each other. how do you accidently log onto her account unless you do it all the time? if you only did it once in awhile you probably would have to look up her password since you rarely would access her account, but obviously your logging onto her account all the time. yet another example on why only 1 account from the same IP should be permitted.

Its quite easy. We live together and share the same computer. When we log on, both names come up as options to click on and the password comes up automatically for each account.
This is the first time I'll have been put on ignore for waking up groggy though. LOL

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:08 pm
by TeeGee
I find it highly amusing that households with multiple accounts hang out in these forums. :^o

Maybe my wife and 4 kids should each get an account. I shall be conqueror very soon if we all play together :twisted:

Re: jan1976 and hatta76

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:57 pm
by elmerfudd
Why does people cheat, do they cheat like this at their jobs too. They want those points, they can have all my points. I just like playing