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w inter an CiccioBanzai

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:47 am
by soul-dt
i am not sure if these 2 italian ppl are the same person or just friends but if u look at w inter games played and especially the private games. it looks like they are playing rigged games in all the games that i have looked at not once did w inter attack CiccioBanzai. if w inter attack it was a nuetral country. 13 games all to inflate Ciccio rank. i just had a game were they were on opposite teams and and they only attacked each other once till the end of the game by then it was over.

i would appreciate someone looking in to this matter

Re: w inter an CiccioBanzai

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:25 pm
by buckman341
Adding to this report

Run a search for private games between

w inter

18 games which CiccioBanzai always won.

He is also currently in a 3v3 game with me:

This is also a fairly suspicious game:

Re: w inter an CiccioBanzai

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:35 am
by Frop
Already reported him and the 'others' here. Bumped it too.