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Green Messiah and cor222555 [Cleared]

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:53 pm
by GabonX
Green Messiah and cor222555 :

The accused are suspected of being multis or having a secret alliance with the first being the more likely conclusion.

Game number(s) 2312327:

These two players joined on the same day at almost the same time, only ten minutes apart. They take back to back turns and do not attack each other's bonuses even when they are left undefended. There were multiple occasions when they were bordering each other with ones and attacked me instead of the other's bonus. Although they have not been on the site for very long they have already been in three games together. It is clear from the game chat that they either know each other or are one person trying to make it seem as though they are two. I am not sure if they are multis or a secret alliance but I am certain that what I saw was not legitimate play.

Re: Green Messiah and cor222555

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:00 pm
by GabonX
I've recieved a PM from Green Messiah that reads as follows...

Sent at: Mon May 12, 2008 6:55 pm
From: Green Messiah
To: GabonX

If what you saw isn't what you think dude, Corey is my friends son, we both joined the same day. He sucks at this game. He's only 11 years old. He thought he would try it, and he doesn't get it yet. We're using the same computer, he has like 2 other games he's playing, and after that, I doubt he'll play anymore, he doesn't like it, cause it's too hard for him. But he said he'll finsh them though, cause I said, once you start a game, you should at least try to finsh it. Because he was after me in that game, we took turns at the computer. No big deal, Sorry, if you feel different about that.

I have left both accounts negative feedback but if this proves to be true I will remove them. Regardless of whether or not Green Messiah is found guilty I think it would be wise to keep an eye on him.

Re: Green Messiah and cor222555

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:21 pm
by GabonX
On second look Cor did miss a couple of turns which makes sense in the context of Green's story. It may be a good idea for these players only to play on teams though because there was defnately a tendency to not attack each other.

Re: Green Messiah and cor222555

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:44 pm
by Fireside Poet
Suspects: Green Messiah and cor222555
Verdict: Cleared of multiple accounts. Will keep tabs on it though.