Conquer Club

I hate when people think I'm cheating.

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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I hate when people think I'm cheating.

Postby Master Bush on Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:17 am

As myself, green and blue were getting are bonuses together, yellow slowly built a big army. I didn't go after green or blue, knowing that all that would do is hand yellow the game. Blue, who himself, never attacked yellow, began to accuse me and JT that we were cheating, and an a secret alliance. So he decided to break up our bonuses cause of it, handing the game over to yellow, and ruin everyone's games. Before he's an idiot and he doesn't understand the concept of this game. I'm really starting to hate some of these players, that are just looking for a reason to cry foul. And decided to ruin the game for everyone else.

If you look at that game, you could infact accuse blue and yellow of cheating, if you were inclined. But I know that Blue is just a retard.

Here's the best part.

2006-08-14 22:27:39 - kovenlo: Any honest player would have gone through brazil to North Africa.

I guess he didn't notice this

2006-08-11 03:16:36 - Master Bush deployed 15 armies on Brazil
2006-08-11 03:16:45 - Master Bush attacked North Africa from Brazil and conquered it from JTFR

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"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby zarvinny on Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:25 am

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Postby HighBorn on Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:38 am

lmao MB you snake ;)
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Postby JTFR on Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:39 am

Wow my first accusation of cheating. Do I get a ribbon or something? I should learn to read the chat. Maybe you should have told hiim of our clan and we play many many games with each other as well. And in any of them, you can see we beat the piss out of each other.
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