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j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 [busted]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:34 am
by Jjamie
j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123


The accused are suspected of:

[*]Being Multis

[b]Game number(s
2314715 2179036
2291989 2178943
2275344 2166293
2252018 2153956
2239409 2092957
2234649 2064570

2229016 1885240
2210367 just way to many for it to be coincidence, one joined on a monday, the next on tuesday, then friday, and now ive looked again, leem2010, also plays in nearly every game, some one tell me what you think please? jesus, toyota there heaps too!!! Look before i go mad!!! They play one after another in freestyle games, 30 seconds between turns, the lower ranked players always clear the way for j671kke, the captain. have a look at private game number 2179036

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 Multis Please look!!!!

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:41 am
by Kalano Sanchin
I have played in a game with all of these players mentioned. In the end j671kke won and gave more points to his rank of captain. They all gang up on the other players first or he just uses them to get cards and eliminates as he goes. Please look into it they are cheaters...

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 Multis Please look!!!!

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:51 pm
by Jjamie
Glad someone has noticed!! Thanks Kalano, How can i get a mod to look ?? Anyone?

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 + 2 more Multis Please look!!!!

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:10 am
by Jjamie
is this bloke somone special? i know hes a captain and all but what?, what does it take for someone to look

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 + 2 more Multis Please look!!!!

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:49 am
by cisco2001
This is a very blatant example of cheating. I feel your frustration as there are many threads that appear to be back logged. I know the mods are busy but some of these threads are more than 2 weeks old. What pisses me off is that these cheaters keep on playing and winning points from players. Hopefully, the mods will catch up soon.


Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 + 2 more CHEATING MULTI

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by Jjamie
playin in three games with his mulitis now, how does he get away with it?

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 + 2 more CHEATING MULTIS

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:08 am
I am playing this person in a game right now...Game 2435238. This is the same as people have mentioned before. Same players in the game, and he has used these false accounts to win games. Costs people ranks, this shoukd be looked into.

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 + 2 more CHEATING MULTIS

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:29 pm
by king achilles

They were already busted.

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 [busted]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:55 pm
by Jjamie
How come they are still playing? What happens when people get busted?

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 [busted]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:01 pm
by Jjamie
i mean he,only j671kkeis still playing, so you still get to play?

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 [busted]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:06 am
by Darwins_Bane
he gets busted 2 freemium and he can finish his games

Re: j671kke, kingrobat1 , liz123 [busted]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:06 am
by wol-va-rine
Jjamie wrote:i mean he,only j671kkeis still playing, so you still get to play?

yeah, all he has to do is repay his premium, and believe it or not, he gets to keep his points...

:? :? :? ...