Suspicious members:
Ballantly Lye
Being Multis or
Having a secret alliance
Game log info: Every attack of this odd and specially short game. See if you can guess before the end who is who's target. A clue, My target was BIG.ONE
TheTrust attacked Brazil from Andy's Mountains and conquered it from BIG.ONE
Ballently Lye attacked UK from Europe and conquered it from TheTrust
BIG.ONE attacked Andy's Mountains from Canada and conquered it from TheTrust
BIG.ONE attacked Brazil from Andy's Mountains and conquered it from TheTrust
04:39:08:BIG.ONE attacked USA from Andy's Mountains and conquered it from TheTrust
Game chat:
04:39:25 - TheTrust: lol green
04:39:30 - TheTrust: I had better be your target hun
(Game continues)
TheTrust attacked Austr(al)ia from China and conquered it from BIG.ONE
Ballently Lye attacked Egypt from Sarah Desert and conquered it from TheTrust
Ballently Lye attacked Conga from Egypt and conquered it from BIG.ONE
BIG.ONE attacked Germany from Irakistan and conquered it from TheTrust
BIG.ONE attacked China from Irakistan and conquered it from TheTrust
Ballently Lye attacked China from More Russia and conquered it from BIG.ONE
Ballently Lye attacked Austr(al)ia from China and conquered it from TheTrust
Ballently Lye eliminated ]TheTrust from the game
So incase we haven't figured it out by this 3 round game... My target was green, I was Reds target and consequently, red must have been greens target. I hate going on assumptions like this but I would love mods to have a look at this and clear these guys if they are innocent, if not bust them if they are guilty.
-They are both from Portugal
-They have played another assassin game together that I'm aware of (also resulting in a win for Bally)
- Green who's target should have been bally did not attack him 1 time all game.
Speculation statement: For players who won't go over the game and just look at the facts, It seemed that Bally built up his numbers in europe while green went all out against me isolating me in australia, red then went through a blatant path left by green for a swift victory. This statement is purely my observation as I played the game.
Thank you for your time. (apologies to both of you if you are infact innocent, this will clear it for good but I've never seen an assassin game where 1 player attacks 95% of the opponent's target without attacking their own target once. I thought this was worth investigation.)