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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:22 pm
by codeblue1018
Subject line: Secret Alliance/Teaming

Suspect users: Endurance / Therighteouspath

Game number: 1959212

Reference the above game, Endurance continually attacked and suicided me for reasons later disclosed in game chat that his goal was not to help me win but ensure I lose "2008-03-05 22:54:38 - endurance: my goal is not to help you win, it is to make SURE you don't". The game log will show throughout the entire game that Endurance continually attacked me while the winner, Therighteouspath had 3/4 of the map in our three person classic game. As I was getting 3 armies per turn, Therighteouspath at one point 20 and Endurance 5 (Aussie bonus) instead of stopping blue who had ended turn, Endurance continued to attack me allowing Therighteouspath to run the board.

In the last round, all of us cashed sets. Endurance dropped in an unknown location (FOW) and attacked blue until he could find my stockpile of armies in Asia (34). As he found my armies, he auto attacked me leaving 9 armies of mine left. At this time Therighteouspath had NA/SA/EUROPE bonus and still had a set. Shortly thereafter, Therighteouspath won the game.

The actions of Endurance and the comments made clearly show an alliance of some sort to ensure the loss of higher ranked player. Sanctions against Endurance should be noted and enforced.


codeblue1018 is obviously Paranoid/ has some serious issues.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:43 pm
by endurance
Anyone can read the chat and see how everything escalated.
At the start of the game, Codeblue immediately jumped to assumptions that I had the whole continent of Europe and pressed the other player to let him know if I did or didn't (This was a Fog of War Game by the way...That HE sit up). When blue did not answer no swift enough, Codeblue bombarded me killing all of my men that he could on the way just to make sure, meanwhile he as already secured Australia and all of the path between Australia an Europe...(at least that's what I assumed).... Blue never said more to two or three words through out the whole game, but RED ran off at the mouth like a broken faucet. Trash talking, threatening, demeaning, accusing, try to intimidate others to his will. Thus it became my main goal to Attack the one who was constantly attacking ME, as well as ruining the game for all others.

In my opinion, he got what he deserved. I've seen his tactics used over and over again, by those often with higher ranks trying to intimidate the lowers ranks into dismay. Well, my strategy became to get rid of the problem starter first... Then I would worry about the other player. Once again, this was a FOG of war GAME.... and with all the chattering going on, its hard enough to keep up with that...and take your move, and then keep up with every little detail on the game log too....

So basically, it came down to the squeaky wheel gets the grease...
And I did everything in my power to stop RED from squeaking all through out the game... Ultimately I had to remove the wheel (or at least try to)

Lesson to be learned. I will for now own ignore those such as he in the chat, and just enjoy the game.

Peace Out.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:44 pm
by endurance
end of discussion.

codeblue1018 is obviously Paranoid/ has some serious issues.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:45 pm
by endurance

REad the above...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:45 pm
by endurance

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:01 pm
by sully800
This doesn't seem like a secret alliance, but more of a public vendetta :lol: He didn't like the way you were playing so he suicided you for the rest of the game to prevent you from winning. Its a perfect case to use your ignore list, and then you won't have to worry about this disagreement in the future.