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Retalitory & non factual feedback+ Abuse [ET]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:01 am
by Tarrus
Game no 1917216

Arturu is a liar. He gave me retalitory & non factual feedback about our game + abuse to me & others throughout. Pls could you look into this & let good over come evil. Thankyou

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:15 am
by Great Pretender
Please fill out an E-Ticket which can be found in the help tab at the top.
or talk this over with him.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:36 am
by Tarrus
ive tried talking to him but i may aswell bang my head against a brick wall. This guy is insane

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:28 am
by Fruitcake
With respect, that's rich coming from you Tarrus.

You put me on your ignore list after 2 games. When I pm'd you to ask, you sent back the reply I had killed you for no reason in a game. I then checked and this was incorrect. In fact, one game you had won. I sent you this response, ever.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:09 am
by SirSebstar

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:08 am
by Tarrus
Fruitcake wrote:With respect, that's rich coming from you Tarrus.

You put me on your ignore list after 2 games. When I pm'd you to ask, you sent back the reply I had killed you for no reason in a game. I then checked and this was incorrect. In fact, one game you had won. I sent you this response, ever.

then we both have headaches then dont we fruitcake lol.
However i have removed you from my ignore list as to be honest i cant remember the games we had although i do remember you mailing me. If i have offended you,i am sorry,but with respect,i didnt leave you a neg full of lies & untruths did i as artrur did to me.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:26 am
by Fruitcake
Thank you Tarrus, I now look forward to next meeting you on a game.

Regarding your unfortunate feedback, I have noticed an odd trend.

Those who seem to be the most 'combative' in their feedbacks or those who have 'odd' ways of playing (and tend to end up on ones ignore list) seem to, in the main, descend slowly but surely to lower ranks. Now before anyone starts pointing out those who are still 'senior' ranks, I have said 'in the main'.

Call me retentive but I keep all sorts of records from playing here (Doubles/Triples partners results, results against regular opponents etc., just my fascination for stats and number crunching really) and the above information comes from taking snapshots of my ignore page once in a while.

This has led me to believe that the natural order of things actually does have an impact on this site. That is to say, the maniacs tend to end up on many ignore lists, while those who play straight and true tend, ultimately, to rise steadily. This begs the obvious those who are of the ilk mentioned ultimately end up on so many ignore lists they cannot get into the games where decent points pick ups are available?

For the record, my ignore list now carries no one above the rank of Serge. Yet at times previously it did. More than half are now Corporal or less, with many sinking to the ranks of cadet and cook.

So, in summary Tarrus, I would say, stick him on ignore, it is my philosophy, that he will dissapear into that great morass of the lower ranks, for ever to be circling like a venemous frustrated maniac, until he ends up dissapearing up his own derrier.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:59 am
by Tarrus
Now i know what you are saying oh Fruity one & i intend to agree with you. I have many people on my ignore list & most of them are now of lower ranks than what they once were so there may well be something in what you say.
This artrur though is the worst i have come against as thus far & im sure,like you say,he will dissapear up his own bottom. At least i hope so lol

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:20 pm
by wicked
Fill out an eticket (look under HELP up top) to request a feedback review.