Conquer Club

Osi and Xerano [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Osi and Xerano [noted]

Postby theplay02 on Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:25 pm

These are suspected Mulit/Secret Alliance, not sure which. It could be the same guy, or a couple guys who are just not committed to attacking each other until other players are eliminated in their games.

Suspect users: Osi and Xerano

Game number:

Comments: Again, I hate doing this, but these two seem adamant about working together. Attacks have happened in this game, but generally not to break bonuses until I recently mentioned the lack of attacking after the rest of the players were gone. Most of the players were eliminated before they attacked each other. Even then, Xerano seems remarkably hesitant to attack his largest threat, Osi. As of round 59, Osi has left borders of 1 with Xerano, who ignored having 8 territories taken from him the previous turn to focus on attacking the another player. Xerano also has maintained a border of 1 with Osi after his turn in round 59. It seems that the attacks in the past were just for show, as any committed attack now would allow either of these players to take the game.

Other suspicious activity shows up in previous games they were in together, with (winner): (Osi) (Osi) (Xerano) (Osi) (Osi) (Osi) (Osi) (Osi) (Osi)

Strangely enough, Osi seems to win more than 80% of the games, Xerano only one, despite Xerano having a better track record overall. One of them wins every single game that they are in together, and they are never on the same team. Again, if I'm just straight up wrong, sorry.

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Postby spearfish on Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:32 pm

Purple's going next.
Mess with the best, die like the rest...
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Postby sully800 on Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:03 pm

Unfortunately, all the two player games you posted have archived chat and game logs so we can't get any evidence from them (except that Osi won each time).

Osi and Xerano are cleared of being multis, and I don't think there is enough evidence to warrant a block for a secret alliance. They seem to be friends, but its hard to gather much more from the evidence posted. So I will mark this as noted and they will remain cleared (barring any future evidence).
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Postby KLOBBER on Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:01 am

Good job, Sully! Keep up the good work.
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