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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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mods [no form]

Postby king sam on Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:01 pm

Im in a game with these 2 guys how have a history as of recently of playing in games together. Now what went on in those games I dont know but I can say for my game that is and was very apperant there working together. Of course since I have been complaining about it in chat they've made it a little less obvious now. But it was very apperant that one of them (jddonkeykong) was going to do nothing in the game, instead of trying to get his head above water which he coulda done by deploying and attacking his friend (dreamchaser) he makes a suicide run after me, disregarding the ability he would have had to break his partner's bonus's. And came all the way across the map towards me when his partner borders him on almost every side. I made the comment that they had played together and I thought that it was crap, since then they have still not gone after one another, but have since built up there armys around one another to make it look like its a less obvious of a chice. I know this sounds like whinning, but truly i dont care, I do think its crap that players do this, it takes the fun out of the game, and I would liked this looked at and stopped for future players. That kinda unfair advantage is not right. Im not sure if anyone else has encountered the same with these 2 guys in the games they played, but Im sure if you look at them you could find something. thanks mods
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Postby hecter on Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:49 pm

Use the form please.
In heaven... Everything is fine, in heaven... Everything is fine, in heaven... Everything is fine... You got your things, and I've got mine.
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