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DBSights/koolout [cleared]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:08 am
by Kurful

These are suspected Multis: DBSights, koolout

Game number:

Comments: Throughout four rounds, DBSights made no attacks at all, using all his reinforcements to reinforce koolout.
Round 1:
21:29:36 - DBSights receives 3 armies for 6 territories
21:29:43 - DBSights deployed 3 armies on Oklahoma
21:29:59 - DBSights fortified Navy Yard with 2 armies from Oil Tap
21:43:19 - koolout receives 3 armies for 8 territories
21:43:28 - koolout deployed 3 armies on Navy Yard
21:43:41 - koolout attacked NY AA from Navy Yard and conquered it from HARMONIE
21:44:20 - koolout fortified Navy Yard with 2 armies from Naval Hospital
21:44:20 - koolout gets a card

Notice how DB fortifies koolout about 15 minutes before koolout logs on?
Round 2:
19:08:51 - DBSights receives 3 armies for 5 territories
19:09:10 - DBSights deployed 3 armies on Oklahoma
19:09:41 - DBSights fortified Honolulu with 2 armies from St Louis
21:32:56 - koolout receives 3 armies for 7 territories

Round 3 and 4 looked less suspicious, and they might just be very organized allies, but something is going on that deserves attention from a GM.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:08 am
by lancehoch
Fortifying your teammate is a viable strategy in doubles this does not mean that they are multis. If you do not like the strategy do not play that game type.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:51 pm
by Kurful
He has done NOTHING else than fortify his team-mate. I accept that this can be a viable strategy if you start in a bad enough position, but DB did not start out in a perceptibly catastrophic manner, and for the first two rounds they logged on very close after each other.
If it turns out that they know each other from work or something, I can accept that no multiing is going on, but this piece of the forum is for suspicions, and I've developed a suspicion watching the play of those two. I cannot tell if they're using the same IP, only GM's have access to that data. I can not tell if they've done this before, and I'm pretty sure it takes a moderator to find that out. Hence this thread.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:57 am
by king achilles
koolout and DBSights are cleared of being multis with each other.