Conquer Club

Tomalot [sorted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Tomalot [sorted]

Postby skanska on Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:27 pm

>Abuse report<

User: Tomalot

Game number:

Comments: please read log, he doesn't seem to like me, then for no really apparent reason, he rags on me for being .... i dunno. i'm gonna put him on my ignore list. I was wondering if perhaps he could be watched or something, comments like the last two really are not acceptable.

2008-01-27 19:20:32 - Tomalot: Oh yeah red, I'm a real threat, not. So stop trying to turn the others against me, besides it looks like their about to attack each other anyway.
2008-01-29 01:25:05 - Tomalot: not at the time you though I was, but decided to attack once yellow started towards me.
2008-01-30 00:59:28 - Tomalot: f- off
2008-01-30 01:02:21 - Tomalot: Green, on your turn, attack yellow hard, they made a bad weakening move.
2008-01-31 00:09:06 - Tomalot: Hey green, guess yellow doesn't think you have the guts to attack them. They left an easy target for you, enjoy.
2008-01-31 00:12:27 - Tomalot: Yellow, I know it's a game, but when I'm in the middle of fortifying to a place and informed it's not there cause someone got lucky. It's enough to piss a person off, even more so, when someone says "Booya", That's just beeing cocky
2008-01-31 20:05:45 - Tomalot: Hey Yellow, you may want to pay more attention to green now, all we're doing is going back and forth, not really getting anywhere. Besides you can probably get alot further with green, since they have an open area to break through.
2008-02-01 02:46:51 - Tomalot: Your noy fortifying against me, your not getting anywhere and losing more armies each turn against me. Your playing with no logic and just wasting your turns.
2008-02-01 02:47:32 - Tomalot: "Not" instead of "Noy"
2008-02-01 23:40:48 - Tomalot: Nice thing to say yellow, considering that if green has won, it's because you helped them and played like green's team mate instead of by yourself. Your not even a good player, your an unlogical idiot.
2008-02-02 15:45:49 - Tomalot: Green, you may as well take me out now, since yellow has now cheated and took 2 turns to knock me down. I'm not taking my turn and find no use playing against cheaters and cocky little bastards.
2008-02-04 03:06:37 - Tomalot: So you claim not to be cocky, well you just prooved you are and I've heard what others think of you to and they're all right. You play like an idiot and use school as an excuse, no wonder the schools there are screwed up.
2008-02-04 03:08:19 - Tomalot: All they teach is how to cheat to win at any cost. No wonder why people all over hate your kind, you all deserve what you get in the end.

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Postby demon7896 on Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:30 pm

there are a lot more abusive posts out there....
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Postby sully800 on Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:02 pm

Game chat abuse can be avoided by adding the player to your ignore list as you said. You can also leave feedback to warn others about this player if you would like.

If abuse carries over into PM's or the forum then warnings can be issued. But by using the ignore list you hopefully won't have any future problems with this player.
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