Conquer Club

Jinjabreadman316 and cagreat1 [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Jinjabreadman316 and cagreat1 [cleared]

Postby Risktaker17 on Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:43 pm

Suspected secret alliancers: Jinjabreadman316 and cagreat1

Game Number: 1681966

In a doodle assassin game Cagreat1 killed both terrs of Jinjabread's target, I have seen people mess up but never someone go after both terrs of the opponent.
Highest place: 40 1/17/08
Highest point total: 2773 1/17/08
Top Poster Position: 97th
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Postby sully800 on Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:11 pm

"2008-01-26 22:40:06 - cagreat1: crap...i was looking at the wrong color"

I believe this is indeed an instance of looking at the wrong color. Sure its a pretty bad mistake to make since it throws the game away, but its easy to do sometimes...especially in games that end very quickly like this one.

Neither of them won their other game together and it would be easy to do if they were really cheating. Jinjabreadman316 and cagreat1 are cleared.
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