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Witec & I love dice [cleared]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:10 pm
by Harijan

These are suspected Multis
Suspect users: Witec & I Love Dice

Game number:

Comments: Point doping. Dice only attacks neutrals. No chat. lalalla Obvious.


Re: Witec & I love dice

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:35 pm
by Hotdoggie
Harijan wrote:\

These are suspected Multis
Suspect users: Witec & I Love Dice

Game number:

Comments: Point doping. Dice only attacks neutrals. No chat. lalalla Obvious.


How the hell can they be multis when one is from Qatar and one is from the Nederlands...

Re: Witec & I love dice

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:05 am
by Harijan
Hotdoggie wrote:How the hell can they be multis when one is from Qatar and one is from the Nederlands...

Not sure, but look at the game pattern in the individual games. The low rank never even attacks the other player. Only attacks neutrals.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:12 am
by 0ojakeo0
Secret alliance?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:28 am
by Hotdoggie
0ojakeo0 wrote:Secret alliance?

Well I have both individuals on both msn and IRC, and know them both as individuals from another online game [nukezone].

As for a secret alliance - they know each other, and I know that I Love Dice is a total noob to this site. Isn't is possible that Witec simply asked I Love Dice to play him and I Love Dice's inexperience meant he attacked neutrals more than Witec? And I looked through the game - he does attack Witec a little bit.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:54 pm
by sully800
Hotdoggie wrote:
Well I have both individuals on both msn and IRC, and know them both as individuals from another online game [nukezone].

As for a secret alliance - they know each other, and I know that I Love Dice is a total noob to this site. Isn't is possible that Witec simply asked I Love Dice to play him and I Love Dice's inexperience meant he attacked neutrals more than Witec? And I looked through the game - he does attack Witec a little bit.

I agree with Hotdoggie. I Love Dice does appear to be trying, because he does attack Witec sometimes. He has tried a few different strategies in the games it seems, but loses each one. That doesn't mean its a secret alliance, probably just a case of a very poor player.

Witec & I Love Dice are cleared