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Dickit, c0523c [noted]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:23 am
by swish0332
Subject line: Dickit and c0523c

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Dickit c0523c

Game number:

Comments: They both continually let each other build up in South America and Africa dickit has 14 units in north Africa, and holds the continent, c0523c hold south america and has 1 unit in Brazil, yet Dickit doesn't attack Brazil at all, allowing c0523c to build up his units into North America. This is has been since the start of the game. They only began attacking each other once the others were eliminated, or had one or two territories left.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:23 pm
by sully800
Often times situations like this arise simply because neither player wants to break the other persons bonus. If they attack each other they will both be weaker, so without speaking they may leave the border alone. To warrant a block there needs to be more than one game where this has happened to show that they have a pattern of working together without saying anything.