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Player: Soka accused me of cheating to gain lead in game

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Player: Soka accused me of cheating to gain lead in game

Postby Cleric- on Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:07 pm

I was recently in game 1435005 with a player named Soka who accused me and another player of a secret alliance. We were in a three player deadlock, and he assumed because we didn't attack each other we had formed an alliance. The problem is if any one of us had attacked another full force, the person not involved with the attacks would have superior numbers. This accusation and threat to bring it to Administrators spurred the other player into attacking me and thus weakening both our forces. Luckily it seems like Soka is horrible at Risk and might not be able to capitalize, the game's on-going. But accusations like that ruin a playing experience. He should be ashamed, and it has no place in this game.
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Postby Strife on Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:17 pm

He called what he saw. I don't see anything wrong with that. Anyway is this a complaint or what? :?:
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Postby wrightfan123 on Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:06 pm

Tell Soka it's pretty common to have games like that. The most common form is where a person gets eliminated in a four player game early, and everyone else is scared to do anything, risking weakening themselves. It's pretty much a deadlock until someone does something idiotic.

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