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eyesferall & openminded [busted]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:39 am
by spyros.pan
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users:Eyesferall, Openminded

Game number:

i hosted a private game with a password.

the game progressed and eyesferall had 5 armies in siam and openminded
was keeping the whole of australia with only 1 army in each territory. eyesferall instead of breaking his bonus decided to place his upkeep soldiers in congo, attack north africa, loose one in the process, and then attack me in brazil with 2 soldiers against 5. then he attack Alchemy 70 from siam to china loosing all his troops. and opening the way for openminded....who dominated the game....

this was very strange. i checked the chat window that i had open in another tab and openminded was never in the chat room so he couldnt have possibly know the password for the game.

i immediately checked the two accounts and are both form the same country. i suggested that this is a scumon the game chat and openminded started claiming that he is in the domenica republic for vacation (and he would play online games instead of being out).

if you like the copy of the callout room where openminded does not appear please send me an email as i have save it.....

kind regards,


<enter your name here>

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:03 am
by lofty
and he just happen to guess the password for your game.... yeah right! I smell a cheater

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:39 pm
by spyros.pan

ok the password was rt...perhaps a very common password

but in general terms when u encounter private games do u try to guess the password? i mean there are so many public games out there...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:11 am
by spyros.pan
no 1518304.eyesferall and openminded in the game, victory for openminded
no 1518300.eyesferall and openminded in the game, victory for openminded
no 1513484.eyesferall and openminded in the game, victory for openminded

do i need to say more.....????

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:28 am
by king achilles
openminded is busted with eyesferall and dudewasgone.