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Secret Alliance and privacy issues

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:12 pm
by sportdaqking
Game 1509686

I asked if they were forming an alliance which they said they hadn't but the main issue i want to know is how someone can get my confidential information and paste it in the chat.

I hope this person will be ejected from the site for breaking privacy rules

Re: Secret Alliance and privacy issues

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:18 pm
by luapie
sportdaqking wrote:Game 1509686

I asked if they were forming an alliance which they said they hadn't but the main issue i want to know is how someone can get my confidential information and paste it in the chat.

I hope this person will be ejected from the site for breaking privacy rules

Bullshit, guy complained entire game. When red and i did'nt attack eachother he began to treath of reporting a secret alliance to the club. Putting your own age on the internet is something i would'nt call "confidential"....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:36 pm
by sportdaqking
why would you be looking me up on the internet unless you was invading my privacy. I complained as you had a secret alliance

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:37 pm
by sportdaqking
Then accuses me of being kamikaze because i tried to take him out

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:37 pm
by luapie
sportdaqking wrote:why would you be looking me up on the internet unless you was invading my privacy. I complained as you had a secret alliance


PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:38 pm
by sportdaqking
Well thats an intelligent answer, I must say

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:40 pm
by hecter
Look, if you have something on the internet, somebodies going to be able to find it and paste it everywhere else. It's the way it is. If you can't accept that, well then, maybe you should get off the internet or just be more cautious about what you say.

In terms of the secret alliance, use the form.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:40 pm
by sportdaqking
See for yourself

2008-01-02 19:27:24 - PARebMason: welcome all
2008-01-02 19:36:34 - ClockworK: thanks
2008-01-02 19:36:39 - ClockworK: good luck to all
2008-01-02 19:37:13 - sportdaqking: have you read his feedbcak? looks like we could have a db
2008-01-02 19:38:53 - ClockworK: ugh
2008-01-02 19:39:28 - sportdaqking: teal starts games and then doesn't play
2008-01-02 19:43:50 - sportdaqking: i was hoping he would prove feedback wrong but maybe he wont. He could be on modem and trying to reconnect
2008-01-02 19:45:28 - sportdaqking: wtf what kind of dice did u get blue
2008-01-02 19:45:48 - sportdaqking: thats pathetic
2008-01-02 19:46:05 - sportdaqking: 2 years and they can still not sort it
2008-01-02 19:50:15 - ClockworK: haha
2008-01-02 19:54:01 - luapie: nice dice :)
2008-01-02 20:00:04 - PARebMason: why join and then not play?
2008-01-02 20:06:31 - sportdaqking: i know when i was on a modem about 8 years ago i only had 2 hours then had to reconnect which would take 20 minutes
2008-01-02 20:06:49 - sportdaqking: the amount of aoe i lost because of it
2008-01-02 20:10:33 - luapie: green aren't you paying attention, red is gone win certainly if we let him
2008-01-02 20:11:17 - PARebMason: don't worry 'bout little ole me
2008-01-02 20:11:50 - sportdaqking: o so now you moan its upto yellow to break him via helipad
2008-01-02 20:12:46 - sportdaqking: and if he does not then well done red as you and yellow both attacked me without attacking each other then it is your fault red will win
2008-01-02 20:13:16 - PARebMason: hey, I didn't have anything until a turn ago. let's not get carried away...
2008-01-02 20:13:27 - sportdaqking: i know that red
2008-01-02 20:13:50 - sportdaqking: but i could not reach you on my last turn so i continued my personal battle
2008-01-02 20:14:09 - sportdaqking: then blue notices AFTER his go and expects me to break you
2008-01-02 20:15:26 - sportdaqking: blue u have a set break him! but i know you will try to wipe me out so shut it and play your own game we all have eyes and can see what is happening
2008-01-02 20:15:45 - luapie: you can take sannat i will not attack you
2008-01-02 20:16:17 - sportdaqking: you can piss off
2008-01-02 20:16:39 - PARebMason: I've been leaving the whole middle and north end of island alone, even though I had two invasion routes
2008-01-02 20:17:37 - sportdaqking: why would i want that when yellow is taking it next go
2008-01-02 20:18:14 - luapie: pretty smart attacking green
2008-01-02 20:18:18 - sportdaqking: you have the lucky dice blue
2008-01-02 20:18:53 - PARebMason: now see, that was just rude and now I'm going to have to wipe you out. haha. ;-)
2008-01-02 20:20:21 - sportdaqking: blue cannot see the full picture, as he attcked you he has allowed yellow to become the strongest player and in a great position to get the north and fortify it up
2008-01-02 20:21:19 - PARebMason: well yellow has been playing quietly - which is always dangerous
2008-01-02 20:21:24 - luapie: well then why do you keep attacking me
2008-01-02 20:21:28 - luapie: ???
2008-01-02 20:21:34 - sportdaqking: it diddn't help teal deadbeating
2008-01-02 20:22:03 - sportdaqking: im reclaiming my land that you abruptly took off me earlier
2008-01-02 20:23:34 - PARebMason: teal's db made a whole new game of things.
2008-01-02 20:27:46 - ClockworK: Blue..instead of weakening me so i cant break red... leave me alone a bit
2008-01-02 20:27:52 - ClockworK: i think it would be mutually beneficial
2008-01-02 20:28:05 - ClockworK: i mean green
2008-01-02 20:30:07 - sportdaqking: you had 14 armies you could have broke him easily but instead you chose to attack me
2008-01-02 20:30:08 - PARebMason: sorry green, but I need your cards right now
2008-01-02 20:30:35 - PARebMason: nice dice, green
2008-01-02 20:30:43 - sportdaqking: your not having em
2008-01-02 20:30:48 - luapie: lollllll
2008-01-02 20:31:28 - PARebMason: well, I guess that means its up to you to make them count
2008-01-02 20:32:28 - sportdaqking: no i will just cash em in
2008-01-02 20:33:10 - sportdaqking: i have to beat 8 armies just top get to reds territorys
2008-01-02 20:33:25 - PARebMason: well, now - things have gotten pretty well fortified now
2008-01-02 20:33:38 - sportdaqking: yellow if u dont break him it is over
2008-01-02 20:33:42 - luapie: up to you now yellow
2008-01-02 20:34:02 - sportdaqking: with my dice u could attack me with 2 armys and i would still lose
2008-01-02 20:34:51 - PARebMason: I had nine against you and got whooped. don't tell me about dice. haha
2008-01-02 20:35:58 - sportdaqking: it is the only part that lets the site down
2008-01-02 20:36:44 - sportdaqking: and the more people playing the worse it will get until they allocate x amount to each game
2008-01-02 20:37:19 - sportdaqking: that wont be enough
2008-01-02 20:37:21 - PARebMason: looks like I'm gonna get invaded
2008-01-02 20:38:24 - sportdaqking: that was sad yellow you still left him with a 4 land bonus
2008-01-02 20:39:12 - PARebMason: why am I the bad guy?
2008-01-02 20:40:38 - sportdaqking: in my eyes it is yellow
2008-01-02 20:41:59 - luapie: yellow attack via the helipad
2008-01-02 20:43:00 - PARebMason: yellow knows that doing so would only mean a swift retaliation
2008-01-02 20:43:26 - sportdaqking: yes blue shut it and u attack yellow
2008-01-02 20:44:44 - sportdaqking: nice yellow but your inexperience has stopped you from continueing to get his 4 land
2008-01-02 20:45:08 - sportdaqking: which allows red to just retaliate
2008-01-02 20:45:19 - PARebMason: blue, I could have taken more, but I think you see that I'm not your main enemy
2008-01-02 20:47:58 - luapie: i have let you hold yours
2008-01-02 20:48:23 - PARebMason: see, we can get along
2008-01-02 20:49:13 - sportdaqking: if thats an alliance you need to announce it or it will be classed as cheating and i will neg feedback your arse
2008-01-02 20:49:44 - luapie: is that a threatment?
2008-01-02 20:50:24 - sportdaqking: if you mean threat, no its a promise
2008-01-02 20:52:42 - PARebMason: no alliance, just some mutual understanding that there is a more pressing enemy
2008-01-02 20:54:02 - PARebMason: ok, I weakened yellow
2008-01-02 20:54:25 - sportdaqking: but if you are not attacking each other on a certain point that was being attacked reguarly then it is an alliance which you have not declared
2008-01-02 20:55:48 - luapie: declared weener
2008-01-02 20:56:28 - sportdaqking: what r u on about blue
2008-01-02 20:56:34 - luapie: was born on 07/21/1971 and still cry's
2008-01-02 20:56:37 - sportdaqking: your 3rd leg
2008-01-02 20:57:03 - sportdaqking: all i asked was that an alliance
2008-01-02 20:58:22 - PARebMason: no, it was not. I just wanted to warn any attacker that retribution for unreasonable attacks would be swift
2008-01-02 21:00:23 - sportdaqking: how did u find my dob its not on this site except when i joined so how have you got my personal info
2008-01-02 21:00:28 - ClockworK: anyone else care to take a shot at red
2008-01-02 21:00:32 - ClockworK: seems to be just me?
2008-01-02 21:01:27 - sportdaqking: i would but blues secret alliance with red put paid to that as he took my armys near red
2008-01-02 21:01:44 - sportdaqking: you will be reported
2008-01-02 21:02:13 - zack101: yep u will
2008-01-02 21:02:40 - luapie: go an f*ck yourself getting fucking pissed cause off you
2008-01-02 21:02:59 - luapie: with filty words
2008-01-02 21:03:03 - sportdaqking: so stop cheating why the abuse because you have been found out
2008-01-02 21:03:20 - sportdaqking: how did you get my DOB
2008-01-02 21:04:21 - luapie: found out??? read the chat, you keep complaining all the time
2008-01-02 21:04:48 - luapie: you can report everything you want
2008-01-02 21:05:06 - sportdaqking: that info is not on the site appart from when i signed up that is supposed to be confidential
2008-01-02 21:06:24 - PARebMason: going after personal offsite stuff is out of bounds
2008-01-02 21:08:23 - sportdaqking: ive not been on this site for 4 months and when i pay a membership i am entitled to complain
2008-01-02 21:12:27 - ClockworK: well green
2008-01-02 21:12:30 - ClockworK: red is gonna win this game
2008-01-02 21:12:38 - ClockworK: so im not sure why you have 20 in the north
2008-01-02 21:12:44 - ClockworK: when its obvious were all dead
2008-01-02 21:14:13 - sportdaqking: they was forted when i tried to hold some land
2008-01-02 21:14:31 - luapie: nice topic
2008-01-02 21:14:39 - luapie: in the forum
2008-01-02 21:15:00 - sportdaqking: hey rent boy shouldn't u be in your window
2008-01-02 21:15:30 - sportdaqking: so you can read just need to learn how to spell
2008-01-02 21:19:45 - sportdaqking: o yellow now we will lose
2008-01-02 21:22:12 - luapie: again kamikaze seems like something you do often
2008-01-02 21:22:37 - luapie: gg red
2008-01-02 21:22:54 - sportdaqking: only when people piss me off and i did try to eliminate you
2008-01-02 21:23:45 - PARebMason: I tried to give you guys the opportunity to knock each other out to have a one on one battle, but...
2008-01-02 21:24:14 - sportdaqking: you read 1 feedback about a kamakaze and i do that often
2008-01-02 21:24:29 - PARebMason: too little, too late yellow
2008-01-02 21:33:42 - PARebMason: looks like yellow really is the tough guy, as we pointed out
2008-01-02 21:35:13 - sportdaqking: not really teal ruined this game
2008-01-02 21:35:27 - sportdaqking: and blue had a problem with me
2008-01-02 21:36:19 - PARebMason: true. that messed up everything, but letting yellow get so fortified without even one attack was not smart. you and blue did fight often and sometimes with me. I had all those neutrals to take in order to get anything
2008-01-02 21:37:32 - PARebMason: so why was blue so pissed?
2008-01-02 21:39:45 - sportdaqking: all i did was try to reclaim my land and blue continued to attack me
2008-01-02 21:40:15 - sportdaqking: allowing yellow to get stronger and then when blue saw you he moaned about it to us

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:40 pm
by luapie
sportdaqking wrote:Well thats an intelligent answer, I must say

I'm probably not as intelligent as you

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:46 pm
by sportdaqking
all i said was the dice was lucky for you and you took some vendetta against me

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:49 pm
by sportdaqking
hecter wrote:Look, if you have something on the internet, somebodies going to be able to find it and paste it everywhere else. It's the way it is. If you can't accept that, well then, maybe you should get off the internet or just be more cautious about what you say.

In terms of the secret alliance, use the form.

This was found on this site and also breaks privacy rules

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:50 pm
by hecter
Look, can you guys take this silly feud elsewhere? I can clearly see that you didn't read my other post, but maybe you'll read this one.

If you think there was a secret alliance, then use the form. Don't put personal information on the internet unless you want people to get at it and spread it around.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:52 pm
by hecter
sportdaqking wrote:
hecter wrote:Look, if you have something on the internet, somebodies going to be able to find it and paste it everywhere else. It's the way it is. If you can't accept that, well then, maybe you should get off the internet or just be more cautious about what you say.

In terms of the secret alliance, use the form.

This was found on this site and also breaks privacy rules

Privacy Policy

Your email address and any other personally identifiable information will be kept secret. It will never be divulged to other players or any 3rd party without your consent. Conquer Club may from time to time send Conquer Club related emails or newsletters to registered players but this will be kept to a minimum.

Says nothing about yourself or members divulging personal information. Maybe you should read the rules.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:53 pm
by sportdaqking
the site is not worth staying on until you sort out the dice. and if you will not implement your own rules they why have them.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:54 pm
by hecter
sportdaqking wrote:the site is not worth staying on until you sort out the dice. and if you will not implement your own rules they why have them.

Then why stay to be harassed like this? Just leave.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:56 pm
by sportdaqking
hecter wrote:
sportdaqking wrote:
hecter wrote:Look, if you have something on the internet, somebodies going to be able to find it and paste it everywhere else. It's the way it is. If you can't accept that, well then, maybe you should get off the internet or just be more cautious about what you say.

In terms of the secret alliance, use the form.

This was found on this site and also breaks privacy rules

Privacy Policy

Your email address and any other personally identifiable information will be kept secret. It will never be divulged to other players or any 3rd party without your consent. Conquer Club may from time to time send Conquer Club related emails or newsletters to registered players but this will be kept to a minimum.

Says nothing about yourself or members divulging personal information. Maybe you should read the rules.

But he got it from this site as i do not divulge my info to any one apart from when i sign up to a site. He does not even know my name so how can he get my dob except from this site. I would check your security

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:57 pm
by sportdaqking
hecter wrote:
sportdaqking wrote:the site is not worth staying on until you sort out the dice. and if you will not implement your own rules they why have them.

Then why stay to be harassed like this? Just leave.

I did for 4 months but as i am a paying member i am entitled to have a game and also air my views

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:00 pm
by hecter
sportdaqking wrote:But he got it from this site as i do not divulge my info to any one apart from when i sign up to a site. He does not even know my name so how can he get my dob except from this site. I would check your security

How would he get it from this site? It doesn't ask for anything other than your email. And my personal information? You mean like...
I was born 02/11/91 making me 16 years of age, my first name is Isaac, I like in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, and I have posted pictures of myself in the off-topics forum?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:22 am
by lofty
Hey man, I did 1 search on google for your user name and see what i found... don't put your personal info on the net my friend. ... ortdaqking

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:24 am
by wcaclimbing
lofty wrote:Hey man, I did 1 search on google for your user name and see what i found... don't put your personal info on the net my friend. ... ortdaqking

lol. you beat my to it by just a few minutes.

PS: sport, if your info is that important to you, choose a different birthday, like one of a friend, or just a made up one that you will be able to remember. Use that one consistently on the internet so no one will think you are faking it.

that, along with your hometown, age, and any other personal info that you dont want to share.

Lie, but be consistent about it.

its not that hard. :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:56 am
by king achilles
For the record, only an email address is asked when you register at this site. As for your personal information, either other people can get really lucky or they got these information from other sources, just like what lofty did. Conquer Club respects each member's privacy and we strictly abide what the Privacy Policy states.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:46 am
by sportdaqking
because i paid to upgrade and if i want to stay or go it has f*ck all to do with you.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:52 pm
by wcaclimbing
sportdaqking wrote:because i paid to upgrade and if i want to stay or go it has f*ck all to do with you.

welcome to the internet, man. Google is easily availible, and if you post information about yourself somewhere out there, people can easily find it.

example, I was really bored one day, so i decided to see what information i could find on one of my friends on the internet, using only his screen name. I ended up finding everything i could want to know, family, age, adress, phone, birthday, etc. Its really not that hard to to. if you put it out there, people can find it.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:17 pm
by wicked
Sport, please use the form (stickied at the top of the forum) with supporting evidence if you want the secret alliance allegation looked at.

As far as the privacy policy, CC never asks your birthday.