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lordjb/dyen [busted]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:48 pm
by Aziz88
The form:

These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: lordjb and dyen

Game number:

Comments: Chat logs:

2007-12-27 18:39:18 - Roman_emp. [team]: I'm going for caatinga or w/e and will fortify dyen in the amazon, and fortify aziz in the andes and patagonia
2007-12-27 18:40:59 - Roman_emp. [team]: Aziz, think you could fort me from Bahia to pernambuco
2007-12-28 09:38:30 - dyen [team]: it is 4 tegen 2 i am player dyen and lordjb
2007-12-28 16:00:40 - Roman_emp. [team]: ok..
2007-12-29 05:42:23 - Aziz88 [team]: wont need to anymore :P no danger there. lets work together to get bonuses. did you say you're the same player as lordjb, dyen?
2007-12-29 05:47:24 - Aziz88 [team]: dyen give me tierra del fugo down south please
2007-12-29 11:45:11 - dyen [team]: yes I am dyen and lordjb therefore it are 4 against 2
2007-12-29 11:47:30 - dyen [team]: pardon aziz88 for the attack ia am attack ok red
2007-12-30 23:36:52 - Aziz88: what was that about? there was no need for that. you shoudnt have two accounts. i believe its 4 against 2...for the other team. im reporting this

Game summary:

Attacked many of my territories for no reason. Supposedly to get to red but i wouldve been able to take him out anyways. I'm probably going to get eliminated and this ruins the fun for everyone in this match :( burn the heretic!

Anthony Aziz

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:59 pm
by Uncle Guss
I'm going to second this and appropriately bump it up so it gets some attention. The chat log provided by Aziz is consistent with dyen/lordjb's actions in game.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:41 pm
by sully800
lordjb and dyen are busted

It's pathetic how people sign up for multiple accounts and act like they don't even know its wrong....despite all the warnings and check boxes you go through on the first page :roll:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:34 pm
by Aziz88
my thanks :)