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General Chickendick & MikeHunt28 Game 1369608

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:09 am
by deceangli
Game 1369608 - undeclared alliance between these two players. Looking through MikeHunt28's history, most of his games have been with General Chickendick and Gen Chickendick has won 60% of those games - a very suspicious pattern.

I raised my suspicions in the game, with the following response :

2007-12-28 23:16:50 - Gen Chickendick: You hairy sonuvafuck twat. Mike is my roommate. He just started learning to play.
2007-12-28 23:17:55 - Gen Chickendick: Alliances are not illegal you shit. Of course I'm going to win most of the games when the last 2 players are us