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Reporting Abuse [ignore list]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:37 am
by mathenyplaya
Posted: 24 Jun 2007 00:04 Post subject: *** [OFFICIAL FORM] PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING ***


Ladies and Gentlegerms,

As you may have noticed, Multis, cheats, scoundrels and general no good silly people are a constant bane upon the entities known as "bandwidth" and "rankings". As such we ask your help in finding, and eliminating, said pests.

<begin annoying phone voice>
In order to rapidly process your report, we ask that you kindly follow a few simple guidelines. The following is a form for you to copy and fill out (please not in triplicate) and post in a thread titled with the names of presumed abusers. Please post all reports not send them via PM.

<----begin copy---->

Subject line: <switch19619>

These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: <switch19619>

Game number:

Comments: <This player has been using abusive language towards one of my good friends. I told him that I am reporting him>


<----end copy---->

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:22 pm
by sully800
For a case like this, place the offender on your ignore list. Then you will no longer have to read any game chat he/she posts. If you would like, you can also leave a negative feedback to warn others that the player is abusive.