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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:38 pm
by geniusxboy
There seems to be an art of "holding" spreading like wildfire in doubles games. The idea is to start your turn but not to finish, so that a new round CANNOT start before your teammate comes online. This "holding" process lasts HOURS sometimes and we have to illegimately wait for these cheaters to synchronize and use double turns in a no double turn game.

Possible solution: Can we have a time limit of 1 hour to play a single turn with the timer initiated AFTER the initial deployment of your army?


PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:45 pm
by wicked
How about when you "begin turn" instead? Else one could start a turn to get their armies and hold before deploying them. I agree a time limit is in order.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm
by geniusxboy
^that's what i meant lol.

game 3555 round 8

2006-02-21 19:56:55 - natalinasmpf receives 2 armies for holding Oceania
2006-02-21 19:56:55 - natalinasmpf receives 3 armies for 6 territories
2006-02-21 19:56:55 - natalinasmpf gets the armies multiplied for 2 rounds
2006-02-21 19:57:13 - natalinasmpf cashed in a set of Northwest Territory, Middle East, and Peru worth 12 armies
2006-02-21 19:58:56 - natalinasmpf deployed 22 armies on Siberia
2006-02-21 20:05:19 - natalinasmpf attacked Ural from Siberia and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:05:32 - natalinasmpf attacked Ukraine from Ural and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:06:14 - natalinasmpf attacked Middle East from Ukraine and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:06:27 - natalinasmpf attacked East Africa from Middle East and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:06:58 - natalinasmpf attacked South Africa from East Africa and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:07:07 - natalinasmpf attacked Congo from East Africa and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:07:29 - natalinasmpf attacked North Africa from East Africa and conquered it from geniusxboy
2006-02-21 20:11:44 - natalinasmpf attacked Brazil from North Africa and conquered it from Evroccck
2006-02-21 20:12:27 - natalinasmpf attacked Venezuela from Brazil and conquered it from Evroccck
2006-02-21 20:12:43 - natalinasmpf attacked Central America from Venezuela and conquered it from Evroccck
2006-02-21 20:13:06 - natalinasmpf attacked Peru from Venezuela and conquered it from Evroccck
2006-02-21 20:13:11 - natalinasmpf attacked Argentina from Peru and conquered it from Evroccck
2006-02-21 20:13:25 - natalinasmpf fortified North Africa with 4 armies from Peru
2006-02-21 20:13:40 - natalinasmpf fortified East Africa with 4 armies from Peru
2006-02-21 03:12:45 - Quad: nat: read pm before begin your turn
2006-02-21 20:23:16 - Evroccck: end ur turn dood, stop holding
2006-02-21 20:25:42 - Quad: hi, i am here :)
2006-02-21 20:26:15 - Quad: hi, i am here :)
2006-02-21 20:26:34 - geniusxboy:
2006-02-21 20:27:01 - geniusxboy: end your fucking turn. stop cheating.
2006-02-21 20:29:14 - Quad: hey, its double game...
2006-02-21 20:29:39 - Evroccck: yea your boy is holding onto his turn, lets go!
2006-02-21 20:30:59 - Evroccck: LETS GO NATALIE
2006-02-21 20:34:36 - Evroccck: some of us want to play
2006-02-21 20:39:01 - Quad: nat: i write pm
2006-02-21 20:44:32 - natalinasmpf: sorry, I had internet problems
2006-02-21 20:44:40 - geniusxboy: too late now. i have to go to work

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:28 pm
by natalinasmpf
Actually, I was multi-tasking; sorry about that. I was playing several other online games (chess, etc.) and editing on Wikipedia at the same time (admin duties on there).


PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:28 pm
by zorba_ca
I fully admit to doing this, but as the rules stand it is perfectly permissible. I would be in favour of change, and the above-mentioned initiatives are a start.

An additional time limit should be imposed on the amount of time one has to fortify armies upon clicking on "End Attacks".

This is even more important than a time limit to deploy armies because waiting on deployment can often be to someone's disadvantage. However, waiting to fortify, or choosing to refortify, is always an advantage. This is an art that is all too easy to master given the open time limit in which to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:43 am
by Nobunaga
... Sequential turns mode solves the Holding problem. I play non-sequential and sequential, because I like faster games sometimes, but you take your chances (I'm about to get my continent sacked by a holding cheater... oh well).

.... Sequentials!

... Though they require a bit more patience. :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:04 pm
by Nobunaga
... though EVERY free-style game I'm in now has "Holders". I wish something could be done about it. Ruins it for everybody.

... maybe sequentials only from here on out for me.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:06 pm
by madeinchinain85
SEQUENTIAL OWNS!!! I only do freestyle if I'm playing with friends IRL.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:56 pm
by Spiegelprime
Yeah, I've got a game where two guys keep holding out and taking advantage of the double turn bit. It's driving me crazy and doesn't see terribly fair....

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:10 pm
by kingwaffles
The one problem with sequential is they make it very unfair in doubles/triples games because a whole team gets to make their moves before the other team can go.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:18 pm
by wacicha
i played about 50 games before i came across this holding thing two players holyunity and chico_001 did not finish there turn for hours istare at mt computer waiting for my next turn all of a sudden they re inforced and started i never seen a game go from good to bad so quickly i see there is nothing wrong in the rules for this but as an addicted player i love the game but to other addicted players these names should be passed around so you don't have a letdown game

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:08 pm
by Spiegelprime
Is there anything I can do about a game with a pair of holders? I'd be doing well if it wasn't for these two....ElDangerouso and Quad. Is there some sort of reprimand sytem or something to get them to cut it out?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:49 am
by fishfleas
I like the idea that if you start a turn and havent' finished that turn in an hour then you forfeit the rest of the turn.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:31 pm
by Darkfire001
I'd say 2-Hours is a long enough turn window.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:33 pm
by stabskillz13
Less then that I would say, seriously, who needs two hours to take a turn?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:47 pm
by kingwaffles
i'd say ! to 1.5 hours is probably good, just in case your comp dies, or your kicked off or something. The one problem with that is epople can still "hold" by waiting till the end of the round to take their turn.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:18 pm
by Romber
I hate when someone starts their turn and then 23 hours and 57min later they finish it too. Its not really the same as the author of the thread said but all the same they start there turn and then hold it forever. It really pisses me off because there is always one in every game I play.

time limits

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:39 pm
by skarecrow
yes i agree if you change their time limit to 2 hours or what ever then they could waste the whole last 2 hours of the turn. which isnt as bad as 24 hours why dont you try make time limits for your deploy phase, your attack phase, and you fortifying phase this way if you "hold" too long you miss your deploy and attacks. make the game 1.5 hours long and split it up something like this: 15mins deploy, 1 hour attacks, and 15 min fortifycations. just an idea!!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:24 pm
by Quad

I am affected in theme of this topis. In 3555 game wasn't any "cheating" It was a double game, and we discousse our tactic in pm. But find this game, and you will see, there isn't any holding.

In game 4960 ElDangerouso started holding. He start turn, attack, and fortify to defend her continent. Then he wited, and after everybody end turn, he fortify to attack, end turn, begin turn, attack with full army and fortify to defend... It is possible, because there wasdouble turns. Then I hold too, and then ElD didnt get card, and didnt make fucking fortification some times... But end of turn was wront time for me (4 AM)... It was very wrong play... :(

I play sequential now :)

freestyle games is very interest too, but if you couldnt check your games frequently, you will have disadvantages ozher players...

Holding: its allowed by rules. its allowed for everybody :) i dont like it, but sometimes i use it, if i need... isnt it fair? why? everybody can use it. if u dont want holding play, play sequential! is fair double play with sequential? the first team will have advantages too... one of my game i attacked with 16 troops to 1. i lost 9 troops. was it fair? :)

good play!

Friends meeting friends..................

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:12 pm
by YP_Legend
Risk friends.......tired of the bs & want in a better game to play? =====>> Click Here


PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:30 pm
by RLeary06
Hey - don't advertise other Risk games on here :? .

That's a dick move.

Hint 4 U: Make sure brain is in gear, before engaging mouth.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:12 pm
by YP_Legend
:arrow: FYI xiGames plays many of its games, both locked & unlocked here at CC. There are also expected standards of play in place for these games. I am not doing as you have so kindly :roll: suggested here mister, i am just merely letting those know who are tired of the :x crap happening in the games they have played thus far, that there are other options :D available to them here at Conquer Club.

:| YP

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:15 pm
by ElDangerouso
It is I, ElDangerouso... THE MASTER OF THE HOLD!!! Just to let you know there IS some RISK involved when you HOLD. Two times in a row i overslept and wasn't able to fortify or get a card. I agree that it should be outlawed or at least changed, but until it is i'll use it to my advantage. No apologies. Well, maybe i'd apologize to nice people... to appease them and then kill them. It's a game, study it, test its rules, master its rules, meet me on the battlefield!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:20 pm
by Marvaddin
"Two times in a row i overslept and wasn't able to fortify or get a card."

:arrow: This is not a risk, is your fault!! Stop holding!! :evil:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:44 pm
by Famous Agent
I frankly do not see a problem with holding. Its a viable tactic.