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Multis, or just a malicious/stupid player? [cleared]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:32 pm
by aciolli

3 player assassin game. Tree hugger is my target, so presumably his target is fireguy and I'm fireguy's target.

But, both seem to be working together to kill me off and haven't attacked each other once throughout the whole game. I thought that maybe tree hugger doesn't know how an assassin game works, but he's played and lost at least one other assassin game in the past. Anyway, figured I'd post about it here to see if there's any chance of finding out if this guy is just intent on screwing me over for some reason or if he might be a multi trying to help the other guy win.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:57 am
by king achilles
Just to clarify, I checked and they are not multi accounts with each other and this is also their first game together. Tree_Hugger is also a new account and this is Tree_Hugger's and fireguy's second game of playing an assassin game. Maybe Tree_Hugger didn't learn from his first assassin game as there was hardly any conversation from that game at all.

So most probably, Tree_Hugger was not really aware of how assassin game is played.