These are suspected Secret Aliance
Suspect users: crash and laney
Game number: Game 38601
Comments: as can be seen in the game (log) both have concquered adjedecent continants respectivly south america and africa. however i had conquered north america and in the next turn crash conquers central america taking the extra reinforcments from me. now normally i wouldnt be bothered by this except: he made no attemt to defend north africa (wich respectfully defended his continent from laney) plus he had moved all his units from brazil to central america. also nothing wrong there youd say. EXCEPT laney did not even try to take brazil (he had 6 armies against 1, so he easily could and should have). also it strikes me that crash makes no attemt to defend against laney, allthough he aparantly has more then enough armies to defend and even attack me. now the only thing in the chatlog at the moment is this and i quote:
2006-07-01 21:20:34 - crash: sigh... ur turn.
2006-07-04 00:30:39 - crash: sorry Laney, this is just a war
2006-07-04 15:10:33 - crash: hi guys!
wich refers to crash taking 2 countries in south america (both "protected by the mighty force of 1 army each). as you can see there is no mention whatsoever of an allience of any sort by any of the partaking players in that game. this strikes me as being a secret allience. which for all i know is illigal.
yours sincerely
rama kandra