[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]
I need to have a life of my own and if they havnt even logged in yet it is just taking up time to investigate them when I have other things I need to be doing.
I appreciate the help, but we can both admit it has been less than successful thus far.
well it's not my fault you don't have methods of detection good enough to find out that they have not logged in yet, despite their being possible multis. So there. *pokes tongue out farther*
<modo edit>
grrrr, I edited your post instead of quoting it, sorry mate who put those two buttons so close togeather anyhoo!
could these simply be cases of people misspelling the name they want, so scratching that and starting over? I know if I spelled wicked wrong (lol), I'd make another account.
hey, while we're creating more nonsense work for Twizzler, can we delete these accounts, b/c they're too close to the spelling of my name? They're obviously multi's since their names are soooo similar, right?