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TheJonah Suiciding Tournament Game [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:03 pm
by iAmCaffeine

The accused are suspected of:
Suiciding a tournament game

Game number:
Game 21786482

Comments: I was in position to win this tournament assassin game with 1 person left to play, TheJonah. This is the 8th round of an 11 round tournament, and I am bottom of our 5 player group. Me winning this game would never change that, and would not impact anyone. I would be eliminated regardless. Your score throughout the tournament accumulates, it does not reset, so therefore it's in TheJonah's best interest to do nothing, and let me win the game. I get eliminated, and none of his remaining competitors gain more points heading into the 9th round of the tournament. You can see for yourself here: ... 1190629600

However, TheJonah - in his infinite wisdom - decided he would throw the game to shoop76, because it means he loses less points, dropping from an incredible 2154 to only 2138. If this was a regular scoreboard game, then I would understand completely. However, this is a tournament game and therefore this kind of play (as far as I'm aware) is not allowed.

Having said all this, if it turns out that TheJonah has a letter from his doctors confirming he has brain damage as I suspect, then I withdraw my complaint.

Re: TheJonah Suiciding Tournament Game

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:03 pm
by king achilles
After contacting TheJonah and he has been made aware of what he did, I will note this report in his record. As you say, the outcome of this game didn't or doesn't affect the tournament too much other than giving shoop a bigger lead than he already had and losing less points.