shoop76 wrote:I could have done the same to Clanlord Carl and made sure *pixar* beat him in our edition of this tournament. Though, I firmly believe that would have been the correct move to help my tribal mate in a tribal event, I chose not to as I knew what the precedent was and what the ruling would be. Its a dumb rule, but still a rule.
I looked at all the games in this particular series and ZaBeast is constantly accusing players of Game Throwing. Awoodness ignored his constant goading but it looks like he'd had enough by the end of this game and gave ZaBeast what he had coming to him (I'd have certainly been tempted to do the same). I think the fact that the winner was on the same tribe had little to do with it, there was nothing in any of the games chats even from ZaBeast to suggest any collusion between the GFG players.
I knew what the precedent was and what the ruling would be. Its a dumb rule, but still a rule.
This may end up manual point correction at the tribe & individual ranking if C&A team confirm my words above. In the event correction can’t be achieve by webmaster I will get a separate final scoring and award prizes accordingly at the end of the event.
We are a new tribe and weren't aware of any precedent, it certainly is not clear in the rules about point correction and I've trawled through other C&A's and can't see where other tribes have been penalized in this way. I don't think the win should be taken from The Warrior, he had no part in this and would likely have won it anyway.
The obvious way to stop all this happening again is to only allow one player per tribe to join each iteration, CC should stop dangling the carrot!