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WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:31 pm
by MSpitts24
Hey, I'm not SURE of it, but I'd like it looked at for several reasons, particularly the first two, if not the third



The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 21190138

1 their moves seem very coordinated
2 almost no discussion of helping each other, but they sure worked together
3 they rarely attacked each other, except a little after I'd accuse them of SD
4 when I'm in the lead they take me down significantly, but then not the next largest (usually GE)
5 only after a 3-4th accusation in the game, did they really begin to back-off, including
6 GE said he was going to let me win because of their style of play
7 although each had stacks, they didn't stop my 4 capitals option, tho they easily could have
8 I was almost out in the early part of the game in 5th place with <10, thern took the lead twice, and about to take it a third time, like they were playing around (cat and mouse) with me, stringing me along

I don't play many multi player games (3+) unless on teams (2v2, 3v3, etc), to avoid just this. By nature I am a paranoid person, but his but their actions sure smelled of collusion to me.

I helped each one of them significantly, then as soon as they grew a bit, they backstabbed me. I know it's a game, but multi players shouldn't just do it to one person.


Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:42 pm
by WarVet
thats fine...been here alot of years and never a problem like this.

Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 7:42 pm
by TeeGee

I have a bit to sort through here and with the time of year, it may take a day or two longer than usual

Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:13 am
by TeeGee
It's not very often the winner of a game accuses the others of SD
This game played out many rounds so it took me a long while to go through, then I double checked to make sure I agreed with myself.
I ran checks on each player in the game and they have no previous interactions with each other outside of this game on CC, given they are all seasoned players i am going to say they don't know each other outside of CC.
Given there is another recent C&A case against GrimmjowEspada I am going to suggest he is possibly an erratic player??
In long games like this one, sometimes silent alliances on borders are created to take out stronger players
But I can not see enough in the game logs to find anyone guilty in this game.


Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:47 pm
by Shannon Apple
Looking at that other report, I'm thinking... lol, erratic player. Generally, someone like that finds themselves foed by a lot of people, or used to advantage. Like, the players might have seen him go off in another game against someone who attacked him, so they sit back, leave him alone and let him weaken some others, then take him out later in the game. I'm surprised to see one of major rank though. They're usually self-sabotaging and remain a striper. (a striper like TeeGee :P :lol: )

Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:05 am
by MSpitts24
omg, (facepalm) I know you all aren't the FBI, but:

"It's not very often the winner of a game accuses the others of SD"
Exactly one of my points. not until after SEVERAL SD accusations did it seem to abade and finally "let me win"; as in to deflect an investigation
what easier way to avoid an investigation, etc. than to let the accuser win?
"But I can not see enough in the game logs to find anyone guilty in this game."
lol, rotf lmFAo: if it WAS in the game logs, it wouldn't be SECRET

Thx for trying, but disappointed.

Thx to site for not trolling too much (yet)


Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:32 am
by riskllama

Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:04 pm
by Nut Shot Scott
This is an absurd complaint dude.

Re: WarVet BillP87 GrimmjowEspada[tg]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:11 pm
by Nut Shot Scott
MSpitts24 wrote:Hey, I'm not SURE of it, but I'd like it looked at for several reasons, particularly the first two, if not the third



The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 21190138

1 their moves seem very coordinated - they seem like players who simply know whats in their best interest
2 almost no discussion of helping each other, but they sure worked together - see above and below
3 they rarely attacked each other, except a little after I'd accuse them of SD - see below
4 when I'm in the lead they take me down significantly, but then not the next largest (usually GE) - read this again. Then look at the fact you won the game.
5 only after a 3-4th accusation in the game, did they really begin to back-off, including
6 GE said he was going to let me win because of their style of play
7 although each had stacks, they didn't stop my 4 capitals option, tho they easily could have
8 I was almost out in the early part of the game in 5th place with <10, thern took the lead twice, and about to take it a third time, like they were playing around (cat and mouse) with me, stringing me along - you sound like a paranoid loon

I don't play many multi player games (3+) unless on teams (2v2, 3v3, etc), to avoid just this. By nature I am a paranoid person, but his but their actions sure smelled of collusion to me.

I helped each one of them significantly, then as soon as they grew a bit, they backstabbed me. I know it's a game, but multi players shouldn't just do it to one person. - You helped them and then they tried to kill you when you got in the lead? Weird. - sarcasm. Welcome to multiplayer games dude