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i have got a question

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i have got a question

Postby HardAttack on Wed May 05, 2021 2:12 pm


Craig25 wrote:Ty Keefie, N1.

As for iamcaffeine, I have never actually spoke to this muppet in my life!

Dude's fucking psychotic by the sounds of it! LOL :D :D :D

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Keefie wrote: Recently Craig25 had a great idea for creating new clans via one of his tournaments. I haven't checked but I hope that it's still in progress. The clan department should reach out to Craig and do everything they can to make that a success.

Doubt it. Dude has no clue about clans and criticises people for not participating, or not accepting random stripers with no team experience. He's an idiot, always has been.

This guy tells ppl, EASILY TO FCK OFF, tells ppl very easily IDIOT....
Several times i used exclamation mark to report, can not say i got any answer for my reports, i am sad for.
How come one individual can CURSE over anyone on his will FREELY and this EASILY...

Makes me sorry and sad to see HOW LOW THE FORUM we have got nowadays.
Makes me angry also and keeping myself so difficult to stay away to keep myself out of trouble...

Tell me, who is gonna tell him to stop calling ppl names, if not help me understand,
may i call IcePack as an idiot ?
or razorvich, may i call him idiot freely here, there anywhere ?

Thank you
Colonel HardAttack
Posts: 1935
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Re: i have got a question

Postby IcePack on Wed May 05, 2021 2:16 pm

You may call me an idiot whenever you want.

You should use the foe button if you dont like reading his posts. These are not against the rules.

You may not use the C&A area to ask these type of questions, this is more of a PM to someone type question.
If you've used the ! to report posts, then you can request using the feature that they respond to you.
But that would be the Global Moderators role (TeeGee who is on vacation, or King Achilles amongst others) not C&A or Multi Hunters.


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Re: i have got a question

Postby IcePack on Wed May 05, 2021 2:19 pm

HardAttack wrote:
IcePack wrote:You may call me an idiot whenever you want.

You should use the foe button if you dont like reading his posts. These are not against the rules.

You may not use the C&A area to ask questions, this is more of a PM to someone type question.
If you've used the ! to report posts, then you can request using the feature that they respond to you.
But that would be the Global Moderators role (TeeGee who is on vacation, or King Achilles amongst others) not C&A or Multi Hunters.


it is not nice, not any acceptable
your rules suck

Thanks for the feedback, have a great day.

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