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Reatorie - never shows up for Tourney's [ka]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:32 pm
by pissedoffsol
This is an on-going problem with this user, not so much abuse or cheating but rather, attendance.

Most of us have already foe'ed him, but it doesn't stop tourney joins like it does regular games.
This user signs up for all sorts of tournaments and then miss all/most of their turns. it's very annoying.

Despite a high 98% turn taking figure, the number of games is padding that figure.

We are waiting on 5 games in our tourney over and over again.

Can we block bad tournament players from joining new tourneys?

example games:

this is a 17 round assassins tourney! 17! it's going to take forever and we are all annoyed. After he deadbeats, the people who were his target and targettee get moved and it ruins the game

Can he be booted? ... nt_id=9616

Re: Reatorie - never shows up for Tourney's

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:48 pm
by Nut Shot Scott
the gist of it is that he's a freemie who quits games so he can start new ones bc of the 4 game limit? prob just shouldn't be allowed to join tournaments that require more than 4 games? or join more than one tournament at a time? a good portion of this issue is also on a tournament organizer to just not allow the user to play their tournament if they know he's a freemie and that, say, 5 games are required in order to play?

Re: Reatorie - never shows up for Tourney's

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:00 pm
by pissedoffsol
This particular one is an Auto tourney, so no moderator/tourney admin here. As long as entry criteria exists at time of joining, the player is in.

Re: Reatorie - never shows up for Tourney's

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:13 pm
by king achilles
He can't be booted manually.

If you check his wall, his last log in was in November 12th, 2020. This auto tourney, "Assassin Masters" must have been in waiting for a quite some time.

Re: Reatorie - never shows up for Tourney's [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:03 am
by Mad777
after round 4 he will be eliminated, he shows be at the 39th rank and the top 36 will move on to Round 5