by Mad777 on Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:59 am
MyNameIsJack wrote:
C&A Threads are for the weak, llama
What you guys don't understand from the C&A posting rule? Is this a vacation request you are making by trolling? Let me know
Here is the link in case you need it...again
Cheating and Abuse is one of the few sections of the forum that need to be taken seriously.
Over time people have been using C&A as a secondary discussion forum, while remaining on topic. Even so, this makes it more and more difficult for Multi hunters to sift through and reach a verdict.
Others even suggest what the penalty will be. Being a Multi Hunter is stressful enough without the added "assistance".
Unless what you have to say is actual evidence that is relevant to the case and will either assist in busting or clearing the accused, then either
1) do NOT post it
2) Post it here viewforum.php?f=6 in discussions, where things should be discussed. It will make a multi hunters life much easier.
Posting non relevant information in C&A may lead to you having a forum vacation.