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Molzanien436 [Busted] and Streetracer111 [Cleared of multi]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:26 pm
by muskyhunter
SUBJECT=Molzanien436 and Streetracer111 Seem to be coconspiering they both left boarders ungarded while a attacking only me for the first 3 turns.

Theses are suspected= Multies or secret alliance

Suspected users= Molzanien436 and streetracer111

Game number=

Comments= Off the start of the game they went in 2 directions leaving boards un guared while each collected bonus. At this point one sits up in a northern country with 10 men and only 1 defender in each ajacent country. The guy will not attack to take away bonus of 8 men when it would only cost him one or 2 guys. The other guy has over 12 men and leaves his whole back open to attack me only. I could be wrong but it seems like coersion to me. Also they both just signed up and are in multiple games together both singles and as parteners in a doubles game. I can be sure but they are cheating or have no idea what the game is about.
my name =Muskyhunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:32 am
by Twill
Streetracer does not seem to be a multi, but I do not know about secret alliances...that being said, it wont be a problem with molzanien436 any more seeing as (s)he was just banned for having 3 other accounts: calvindot calvindot8484 fatman38685



PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:11 pm
by muskyhunter
I love this set up you guys got.Good job and thanks for looking into it 8)