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alfombra part 2 [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:55 am
by zeus111
well sad to say this guy did it yet again left site with many open games . dropping several ranks as per usual and dumping thousand plus points
2020-05-25 01:54:23 - alfombra has a score of 2677.
alfombra Rank:Sergeant SergeantScore:1330 as of today 1347 points dumped to db

plus 26 open games
missing many turns adding days to each game 2020-06-21 10:39:43 - alfombra missed a turn 2020-06-20 19:38:00 - alfombra missed a turn

just 2 examples out of a vast number of missed turns in active games

he has been warned less then a month ago removed from the scoreboard and continues to dead beat games miss multiple turns in 24 hour games .

i understand real live gets in the way for sure but this members abuse to us all has to stop its disrespectful to all who join a game this guys in and dumping points like this just manipulates the scoring system example top 5 on score board running for medal for monthly leader and one has say 8 games open with him it gives that player 8 easy wins vs the others who are playing hard and the time wasted by this member warrants a cc holiday.

now as a low rank upon his return he takes large points off our members playing a rank well below his skill level


Re: alfombra part 2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:57 am
by zeus111
pm message sent to accused 756 am june 22

Re: alfombra part 2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:12 am
by alfombra
im gonna get vulgar cause its jsut how i feel at the very right moment

this idiot doesnt understand form his momas basemenet rl isssues i give u 3 words moron eteranl illness death pet familliy memenr capisco now from the top do me a favour either get this idiot offof my chest to stop harreseeing me or ban me either way atm im good with

ty and sorry to bring me down on this level but my mood atm is killer for loosing my dear pet so buzz off moron

Re: alfombra part 2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:22 am
by zeus111
alfombra wrote:im gonna get vulgar cause its jsut how i feel at the very right moment

this idiot doesnt understand form his momas basemenet rl isssues i give u 3 words moron eteranl illness death pet familliy memenr capisco now from the top do me a favour either get this idiot offof my chest to stop harreseeing me or ban me either way atm im good with

ty and sorry to bring me down on this level but my mood atm is killer for loosing my dear pet so buzz off moron

site has a few rules join a game play a game you were warned about this and here we are again . the 24 hour games is out of hand simply its not fair to site members to have to sit waiting in the above games for 3 days . deepest sympathy on the loss of a pet truly i am sorry for your loss . its nothing personal here just time after time you are doing this if it was a one of it wouldn't be an issue however this is the 5 to 7th time now and after a warning here we are .


Re: alfombra part 2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:33 am
by zeus111
given alfies excuse case is withdrawn.this was brought to my attention this am by 4 pm messages but feel the reason warrants the missed games/turns ect

be well alfie its best you pick a sitter for your account

Re: alfombra part 2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:53 pm
by king achilles
He has been given a short vacation so he can handle his personal issues.

Re: alfombra part 2 [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:22 pm
by riskllama
king achilles wrote:He has been given a short vacation so he can handle his personal issues.

LOL - but 'ol zeke "withdrew" the case, no?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: alfombra part 2 [ka]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:28 am
by zeus111
that seems harsh but i get it gl alfie

Re: alfombra part 2 [ka]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:19 pm
by YukFoo
Quick! You better hurry and ban him before he loses all his points!!! :?