Conquer Club

Busted jricha and JoelRich [ka]

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jricha and JoelRich [ka]

Postby McDodge on Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:47 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Intentional Deadbeating

Game number(s):
Game 20060017

The game number listed is just the game in which I and another player noticed some odd play behavior by jricha. This is also the game that jricha deadbeated before being ejected from the game for deadbeating. He is a newer account so I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I clicked on his profile info anyway and went to his completed games. At the time jricha had only played 3 games total, of those 3 games, 2 were played with another player, JoelRich. The names were so familiar that it caught my attention so I decided to do a little comparison of the players. Each are fairly new accounts and created within 7 days of each other. Both with UK flag, and names being so interestingly similar. jricha and JoelRich? Seemed fishy. Looking into their games it would appear jricha has now played 5 games, including the game listed above that he intentionally deadbeated. My best guess is that it was a game intended for jricha and JoelRich, but I ended up in the game before one could invite the other.
I'm no detective, but this all seemed extremely odd. I mentioned it to the other player in the game, and he too agreed it was very strange. We agreed it was worth bringing up in the forums. It seems alomost obvious that this is the same person using multis in an attempt to farm points for promotion.

The chat from the game when I was inquiring into jricha's inactivity (please note it appears he deadbeted just the game without JoelRich. And has since played in more games while deadbeating the game mentioned)

2020-06-10 17:17:42 - McDodge: hmmmmm, jricha, I see you're a new account
2020-06-10 17:18:41 - McDodge: Also see you've played 2 of 3 games total with JoelRich. Also seems you're active in the other game, but not so much in this game
2020-06-10 17:19:24 - McDodge: I'm curious, with such a similar names (jrich and JoelRich)...seems a little hinky
2020-06-10 17:19:36 - McDodge: What do you think kaizenn?
2020-06-10 22:28:53 - kaizenn: Yeah, that seems a little odd. I guess we'll see how the gameplay goes.
2020-06-11 15:58:16 - McDodge: So far just dead beating
2020-06-11 15:59:23 - McDodge: Kaizenn, I am betting that jricha deadbeats out. Do you want to truce up and just focus on eliminating him quickly, then go head to head?
2020-06-12 10:42:01 - kaizenn: yeah, sounds good
2020-06-13 12:38:12 - McDodge: Looks like the game did it for us. You think it’s worth making a report in the forums?
2020-06-13 12:38:31 - McDodge: Possible multis and intentional deadbeating
2020-06-13 13:31:35 - kaizenn: Yeah, probably
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Re: jricha and JoelRich

Postby i-andrei on Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:52 am

So you guys teamed up to beat a new recruit, LOL
Even if multi, that's low
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Re: jricha and JoelRich

Postby McDodge on Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:03 am

i-andrei wrote:So you guys teamed up to beat a new recruit, LOL
Even if multi, that's low

He was deadbeating and holding up turns. It's called eliminating the issue, Besides, he was booted before we ever could. And I fail to see how its "low" as I feel being a multi is pretty low. To each their own I guess.
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Re: jricha and JoelRich [ka]

Postby king achilles on Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:53 pm

Sorry for the delay. Busted and premium stripped.
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