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Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69 [ka]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:04 am
by spiceweezie


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 20012422

Silkzone never took a turn and was removed from the game.
Peacetalks and mckelley69 have refused to engage each other. One consistently attacks me while the other sits and builds forces, even as both gain and hold bonuses.

Re: Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:04 pm
by Doc_Brown
I thought it was interesting that a new recruit was filling out this form so clearly and with lingo usually developed over significant time on this site.
OP's first game (using this account): Game 19975920
2020-05-14 20:06:38 - king achilles: Welcome to Conquer Club spiceweezie!
2020-05-15 04:16:50 - spiceweezie: Thanks Achilles.... played a lot some years back. Coming back for more lol

Suggestion to OP: Your current account appears to be in violation of the rules. If you don't have access to your old account, you will have to file an e-ticket to get access to it again. Players are not allowed to start over with new accounts.

Re: Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:14 pm
by zeus111
lmao!! head multi hunter too boot what was the old account ya had spiceweezie???

Re: Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:21 pm
by king achilles
All three looks clean. Contacted the OP.

Re: Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69 [ka]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:40 am
by spiceweezie
I dunno what the account was. It was at least 10 years ago. I think over 10.
Don’t take it so personal. There was some weird shit in that game.
And if you think it’s so difficult for someone in 2020 to go to a chat forum and fill out a template, then maybe you’re not actually as intelligent as you think you are.
If you’ve got a beef, then take it to a map.
This an internet war game after all.
But if you’d prefer to shit talk on a forum with silly avatars, I guess we could do that too.

Re: Silkzone, Peacetalks, mckelley69 [ka]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:45 am
by spiceweezie
Oh and, “ lingo usually developed over significant time on this site.”
I’ve been playing risk for over 30 years.
And works like “engage”, “attack”, and “bonuses” were pretty easy lingo to pick up quickly even back then before the interweb...