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stokeld12 and LaWolf, same player multi?[tg]

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:04 am
by dukearithon
stokeld12 and LaWolf accused of being the same player

19885407 (current active game) and a few others where they played together are suspicious as

-Gameplay is seconds after each other where their turns are adjacent
-they have the same country location
-these accounts do not attack each other when against other players in non team games


Re: stokeld12 and LaWolf, same player multi?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:48 am
At a glance their game play is pretty awful. They play straight after one another since green was killed. That goes against them. It is possible to tell your brother or friend to play now etc. but it looks a bit dodgy.
lawolf has 3 of his 7 games with the other guy. That means little when you can have a friend play. At least they played as a team in one of those 3 games.
Game #19901931 was done in 20 minutes (just the 2 of them) and stokeld said thanks for the quick game.. That makes it look less as friends playing together and more like a crappy cover up that it is him. Especially since he 'won'. And the game play was special at best. Reds opening turn attack 2 neutrals... one was completely pointless and the other just happened to help green (stokeld) to get the bonus 4 shortly afterwards.
when the accuser stated they don't attack each other when they are not in team games narrows it down to just the one game.. which he is in.. lol. That was not needed in your list there.

Looking at past games i'd look at whiskygalore as well. they played 3 games together (he and stokeld) and stokeld won all 3 games. all games were done in minutes. because they are old, i can't see the game log.

Maybe they are friends and not skilled at risk. Hopefully they have something to say to help clear this matter.

that's my few cents worth

Re: stokeld12 and LaWolf, same player multi?[tg]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:41 am
by TeeGee
For now this is NOTED