Aledrinkers and Dudds[tg]
Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:30 am
by deceangli
DuddsThe accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Re: Aledrinkers and Dudds
Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:00 pm
Game #19857888
For a moment i thought you were accusing a different dudds :-D
Add "Joe Jitsu" to the list. At a glance they joined at a similar time, from the same place, play at a similar time... Could be friends, but i'd guess they are one and the same.
The gameplay in the game that was mentioned suggests they may be different people. In the game both yellow and blue attack each other lots throughout the game. And at the end yellow just played crap. Him being a new recruit could explain that. They sometimes played right after one another, but seldom.
Over all, it is worth checking out. They could be friends/ family. Or not.
Re: Aledrinkers and Dudds
Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:02 pm
The names dudds and aledrinkers are of a theme. I would not be surprised if joe jitsu was another alcohol themed name. Doesn't add any weight. just an observation.
Re: Aledrinkers and Dudds[tg]
Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:59 pm
by TeeGee
First glance, they are different people. Look like friends.
Will see if anything more develops in the next few days