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Throwing, deadbeating.(SN)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:07 pm
by Kotaro
Accused: risklover80

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Breaking 'Unwritten Rules;' specifically throwing games and deadbeating
"This includes but is not limited to: throwing games ...intentional deadbeating..."

Game number(s):

Game 19483741 - intentional deadbeat. Game ended at 11:14:03 on 11/21/2019 due to 3rd consecutive missed turn; ended his turn at 11:03:03 in Game 19483715 at 11:05:03 on 11/21, clearly online and able to play.
Game 19483691 - same timeframe, see previous

These are just 2 examples of intentional deadbeating on speed, he has done it plenty in slow games as well.

Game 19447376
Game 19445601
Game 19472645
Game 19420908

These are 4 examples of intentional deadbeating not on speed games.

Throwing games:
Game 19447977
2019-11-18 21:53:55 - risklover80: So gg green as long as you guys truce I will only hit yellow gg guys
2019-11-19 09:53:03 - risklover80: Yup I’ll preobaly db not going to play a 3 ppl game with a truce in it I’ll block yellow in the west and probably db unless things change gg green

Game 19447978
2019-11-11 06:05:06 - risklover80: OK we will see I will move my stack and see if you try to advance and if you do then I have no choice but to fight you and you only and don’t care what blue does

Comments: If he's going to lose 1v1 or in a FFA, he goes to one of three choices;
-Intentionally Deadbeat
-Threaten a player in chat; 'if you do not play how I want, I will suicide into you so we both lose'
-Suicide into 1 player

Re: Throwing, deadbeating.(SN)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:26 am
by murphy16
So looking into the last 2 games that directly affect you.

1st game, you spoke about a players position in a fog game that inevitably led to 2 others creating a truce in a now 3 player game. One player just as strong as he is and the other being weaker, it’s a for sure loss.

2nd game, you’re mad because 2 players came to a truce in a now 3 player game which is the same predicament you put him in with the other game. There was no suicide threat, you too what you wanted to from the game chat to benefit your cause of vindication.

Am I saying he is wrong for DBs, no, but this feels more like a vindictive post than anything. Just saying.

Re: Throwing, deadbeating.(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:43 pm
by zeus111
this was from a game today

2019-11-27 13:27:32 - risklover80: I’ll waste on green and yellow the. Db gg blue
- risklover80 missed a turn
2019-11-27 13:48:30 - risklover80 was kicked out for missing too many turns

think it fits into this claim

Re: Throwing, deadbeating.(SN)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:45 am
by sniffie
Risk lover has been given some time to onerthink his sins and celebrate Christmas with his family.


Re: Throwing, deadbeating.(SN)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:45 am
by sniffie
Vacationed temporarily.