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mashedpotato [ka]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:35 pm
by g00seman


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Throwing a Game

Game number(s):


Comments:I'm new to Conquerclub, so do not have much experience in this area, but in the game above the play of my opponents does not seem right. One of the my opponents, mashedpotato, is not even trying to protect or retake territories taken from him by another player, Bottomsup. For the past 20+ rounds, there have been ample opportunities for mashedpotato to retake territories and reclaim bonuses by attacking lightly defended territories from Bottomsup, but has refused to do so. The fact that Bottomsup is not bothering to reinforce his new territories also does not seem not right. Instead, both are attacking me exclusively. I cannot tell if mashedpotato and Bottomsup are conducting secret diplomacy, or if mashedpotato is trying to throw the game to Bottomsup. mashedpotato has played over 900 games, so he cannot be THAT incompetent to play the way things have been going. Maybe there is nothing amiss here, but it doesn't feel right.

Re: mashedpotato

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:11 pm
by king achilles
Game 18647286 happens to be their first game together so far and their recent attacks are from each other. Maybe mashedpotato doesn't read or bother reading the game chat to follow your 'suggestions' or he just wants to play his own game. He does take back any regions taken from him and right now, I can hardly see him throwing the game. Blue does have a pretty low score so that may also tell something. They also have their borders guarded. This is cleared.

Re: mashedpotato [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:28 pm
by Dukasaur
Yes, but can he do the Twist?