A_Retired_Duck and DADDYDOMACH
Fri May 11, 2018 6:23 pm
by PunkRocker
A_Retired_DuckDADDYDOMACHajriesbergThe accused are suspected of:
Being Multis:
Game number(s):
Game 18250700Game 18242123
Re: A_Retired_Duck and DADDYDOMACH
Fri May 11, 2018 8:18 pm
by nietzsche
i think that given it's a new user that paid for premium.. it's unlikely.
and given that he paid for premium, you could've asked a multi hunter in private to run the check, to avoid the possibility of a bad experience in case they're not multis.
Re: A_Retired_Duck and DADDYDOMACH
Sat May 12, 2018 7:21 pm
by Evil Semp
The accused are CLEARED of being muli's.
I would be interested in why PunkRocker thinks that the are multi's.